Hey-O, it's Friday! Time to loosen that belt and have some extra-marital fun!
Go find a nice motel with a circular pink bed and have an adulterous affair with someone you met online. Anybody who's anybody is doing it!
Consider the fact that that missed opportunity is now partying with the Dancing Bear all weekend!
(But your smartass mouth is getting annoying and old, so do us all a favor and be quiet for a change) College Kids - Make Money now (and you don't have to blow your professor!) Sexiest. Pregnant Chick. Ever. Kim Kardashian's ass in a Dress (Drunken Stepfather) ...and here's Kim Kardashian's Ass Getting Violated by Ray J...on video Margo G in a Bikini... oh Gee. That Rhymes! (GorillaMask) HALO 3 Game Review (Bullz-Eye) Carla M has her hand in her Cooter. (z0d) Inappropiate Use Of Arts & Crafts Time (Tastybooze) Heather Carolin has two first names...and two really nice boobies (Freakshow Planet) 32 Funny Pictures Of NFL Fans In War Paint & Fancy Clothes (DJMICK) Calling All Mustache Growers! It's Time To Fight Cancer! (Asylum) Unintentionally Gay Ads of Yesteryear (FunnyCrave) Cactus Club (Yep Yep) Michael Bay Inspired Hockey Intro Is Awesome (Dave and Thomas) Bloody Mary Buffalo Wings (The Bachelor Guy) Sexual Favor Fail (College Humor) The Nine Most Annoying CommerCial Jingles of All Time (Super Tremendous) If Celebrities Were the Animals They Look Like (Holy Taco)
(Sorry that the only ass you get to look at is your own. In the mirror. When you're popping butt zits)
and her boobs are certainly not her only redeeming characteristic.
She's also a girl with many talents, as you will see after the jump.
She's getting totally naked for you at Violet Erotica.
CCTV: Sex In A Tattoo Shop
Violet Relieves Herself Of Her Red Bra
CCTV: Dumb Thieves Turn Wrong Security Camera
Krystal Summers Hauls Out Her Huge Hooters
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