Thursday, October 25, 2007

NEW FOUNDRYMUSIC WRITERS: More Opinions Than You'll Ever Need

A few weeks ago, we put the word out that we needed some help reviewing some of the massive amounts of product that comes our way. The response was OVERWHELMING to say the least, and we're still picking through a pile of writing samples.

Today, we're happy to share with you three of our latest FoundryMusic team members; all of whom have tackled the world of movies, music, and literature like no opinionated ass has ever done before. Let's meet them, shall we?:

  • FoundryMusicCos (hey stupid, get us a photo) - from the bowels of West New York, comes a man who can digest an entire Kevin Smith book in an afternoon. His reviews include:

    The Heroin Diaries: A Year in the Life of a Shattered Rock Star

    My Boring-Ass Life: The Uncomfortably Candid Diary of Kevin Smith

    Hack: How I Stopped Worrying about What To Do With My Life And Started Driving a Yellow Cab

  • FoundryMusicKevin (bonus points for scoring the picture with Will Smith) - Hailing from the music business, but commenting on the movie business, Kevin tells you how it is. If your movie sucks, watch out. His reviews include:

    BUG - Special Edition


    Grindhouse Presents: Planet Terror - Extended and Unrated

  • FoundryMusicMike - He's not crazy about you, but he likes your taste in music. You get to live. Today. His reviews include:

    KORN - Untitled

    SSS - Short Sharp Shock

  • As always, if think you have some decent writing chops, and you LOVE getting FREE stuff, Email Rob (at) Foundry Music (dot) com with your full contact information and a sample review.

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