LISTEN TO TODAY'S SHOW ON AUDIBLE (link usually active by 3pm EST)Great Googly Moogly! It's ROCK SCREAM TUESDAY! It's 80's New Wave Tuesday! It's also EROCKTOBER! (Last few days, bitches!) For the next few days, we conitune to honor EROCK (err, Sexbagel, Hawk, Erik, whatever you want to call him) and all of his fumblings. Have yourself some hot tea, warm up those vocal cords, crank up some Jim Gillette, call up the show (new number: 877-212-OandA), and do your best Pet Shop Boys impression (you know... the 80's thing)... then eat some garlic butter sauce in honor of EROCK.Yeah, so in addition to WYSP in Philadelphia, the Opie and Anthony Show will not be returning to 105.9 FM WCKG in Chicago or Buzz 103.1 WPBZ in West Palm Beach. The good news is that YOU CAN STILL HEAR US ON XM, UNCENSORED and UNCUT, SO GO GET XM! GO GET XM! GO GET XM! GO GET XM!So, according to the New York Post, we'll be seeing a sex tape from Long Island Lolita Amy Fisher soon. Red Light District has the tape, and will be releasing it soon...which is nice, because you know how much we dig the CELEBRITY SEX TAPES.NEW O&A VIDEOS ONLINE: Thanks to our own Sam, we have some new O&A Show videos online:
Bob Kelly Vomits After Watching '2 Girls 1 Cup'
Rob Bartlett Talks About Working With Vince McMachonGrab a hankey and listen to the heartwarming sounds of Roland Singing The Star Spangled BannerWIN $1000 A DAY WITH O&A: Every day, for about a month, the Opie and Anthony Show is going to give away ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS to a lucky listener. Here's what you do:
1. Listen between 7am and 7:30am for the sound of the day
2. Today's sound is EROCK - "I love The Garlic Butter Sauce"
3. be the 10th caller to 1-866-212-OandA (between 7 and 7:30 ONLY, stupids)
4. That's it. Pretty simple. Try not to fuck it up.THE RETURN OF THE WALKOVER: The Opie and Anthony Show will be broadcasting the XM WALKOVER THIS FRIDAY, November 2nd, beginning at 9am. If you'd like to join us, just look for Club Soda Kenny near 50 W. 57th St. around 9am (or just before), and walk with us for a block over to the XM Studio.Remember, if you want to see ANY of the in-studio goodness LIVE at it happens, Turn On Your Paltalk and go to the 'Opie and Anthony LIVE' room. Of course, if you're anything like us, you're oogling the Ladies of Paltalk, who spend most of their time in the morning TOTALLY NUDE.Hey everybody! Check this out...

(Check out what the lovely Alicia is wearing!)While we're on the subject of FOUNDRY CAMS, check out this awesome Halloween Compilation that the Foundry Cams girls sent us:

CLICK THE PIC TO SEE THE VIDEO!We've got some new hotness in the MEDIA SECTION, including:
The Tic and Tac Brothers Perform the Human Helicopter
Amy Smart Topless in 'ROAD TRIP'
1983 Video For BetaMovie Camcorder
Excessive Boob Shaking
Ronnie Coleman - Competition Montage
2 Hot Blonde Women Kissing Poolside
Steve Vai Shreds...Poorly
Drunk Girls Kissing and Falling DownIf you Missed
Erock and
Master Po dancing with
Jill Nicolini on the
CW11 yesterday, you can laugh along right here:
EROCK and MASTER PO Join JILL NICOLINI for DANCE FRIDAY(and yes, we know she did PLAYBOY...stop sending those photos)Our li'l pal JIM NORTON is all over the HBO with his Monster Rain special. If you missed it, don't panic...because it's out on DVD for you to watch over and over again:
Jim Norton: Monster Rain - ON DVD!Speaking of Mr James Norton, check out what you can get:
We're whoring ourselves all over the 'net. We're shameless. Check it:
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