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Tuesday Opie and Anthony Links: TAX DAY!!! Calling all Belly Dancers! Animation Festival - keep sending us your progress, New Videos Online
LISTEN TO TODAY'S OPIE and ANTHONY SHOW ON AUDIBLE (link usually active by 3pm EST)O&A ANIMATIONS ARE ON iTunes NOW!! (Watch Anthony discuss his broken home - online now!)
Jim Norton's Got TEN CD's Worth Of Material online - order 'The Best Of Jim Norton' on iTunes NOW!

Happy Tuesdee, kids! It's Tax Day, so go pay your taxes to Ol' Uncle Sam! (and if you're not living in the U.S... disregard that)... You know, if you missed yesterday's show, you missed the call for Belly Dancing Babes to come down to the Opie and Anthony Show Studios. Ever since Erica showed up to belly dance in studio, we have been consumed with finding MORE regular women who can belly dance. Now, we're not necessarily looking for full-blown professional belly dancers in belly dancing outfits. We want you to show off your skills without all that stuff... wearing ... well, quite frankly, as little clothing as you're willing to wear...or not wear. Email us if you're interested in belly dancing for us. And yes, we do have some cool prizes this time to give away!Opie and Anthony Animation Festival: There are only a handful of tickets for the Opie and Anthony Animation Festivalleft, so if you don't have them, hurry your ass up! The O&A Animation Festival is going to be on June 5th at The Roseland Ballroom in New York City!!
GET ALL THE ANIMATION FESTIVAL DETAILS AND TICKET LINKS HERE....then get your ass animatin' because we have $10,000 in prize money to give away!... and if you ARE animating something for the festival, why not give us a call and let us know what you're working on... BUT DON'T POST THE FINISHED PROJECT ONLINE BEFORE THE FESTIVAL!Let's help Robert Kelly climb that list on Amazon! He has a new CD/DVD called Just The Tip, and it's on sale NOW!
Click the pic to order it now!

HOT GIRLFRIEND STRIPPING and MORE NEW O&A VIDEO: In case you missed them, we have video of Sean Benjamin's hot 21 year-old girlfriend taking her clothes off, dancing, and having a fake orgasm! We also have video of Sean, but he's not naked or dancing.
Erica The Hot Girlfriend Has A Fake Orgasm
Sean Benjamin Peforms 'Did Anybody See That Girl' Live
Erica The Hot Girlfriend Belly Dances In Studio
Erica The Hot Girlfriend Strips In StudioERICA THE HOT GIRLFRIEND - PHOTOS ONLINE: Thanks to ERock, we have several photos of Sean Benjamin's hot girlfriend online for you to drool over. She was in studio on Friday, showing off her lovely body so her boyfriend could play his songs on the show:
ERICA THE HOT GIRLFRIEND - PHOTOS...and now we're pointing at this over here now...The goth-looking Eva from FOUNDRY CAMS sent us a brand new video in her snazzy new F*CK ME shirt:

CLICK THE PIC TO SEE THE VIDEO!speaking of girls you'd like to do inappropriate things to...We're still getting a lot of emails about that dating service that caters to married men and women? You know, the folks who put the full page ad in the New York Post chiding Eliot Spitzer for not using their service? They're Ashley Madison... so there. Now you know.Put down that sleeve of Fig Newtons, and check out what we added to the MEDIA SECTION, including:
Chubbby Guy In A Balloon Chair
Carli Banks and Celeste Star Kissing In Bed
Awful Porn Acting: Ron Jeremy Sells Butt Plugs
Ass-tastic Asian Hottie in A Gold Miniskirt
Sexy Blond Babe in A Comfy Chair
Melyssa Ford Bikini Photo Shoot
Brawl Outside of a UK Nightclub - Caught On CCTV
Kobe Bryant Jumps Over Aston Martin: Nike Hyperdunk Commercial
Kobe Bryant Jumps Over Aston Martin: Alternate EndingSocial networking websites are burning up the get a hose... or JOIN US:
MySpace: Opie and Anthony Opie & Anthony (subscribe now to get all the updates we add to that site)
MySpace: FoundryMusic
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