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Wednesday Links: Whip 'em Out Wednesday, Boobs On Paltalk, Jim Jeffries, Jeffrey Ross, New O&A Videos, Animation Festival, New Videos Online
LISTEN TO TODAY'S OPIE and ANTHONY SHOW ON AUDIBLE (link usually active by 3pm EST)O&A ANIMATIONS ARE ON iTunes NOW!! (Watch the infamous cake-stomping incident - online now!)
Happy Whip 'em Out Wednesday, especially to the Ladies of Paltalk, who are keeping us all drooling with the early morning breasticles! (log in and check out the 'Opie and Anthony LIVE' room to see them now!)The Opie and Anthony Radio POgram welcomes back our pals comedian Jim Jeffries, who is playing Caroline's this week in New York City. We also welcome back Jeffrey Ross, who is going to be at Governor's out on Long Island tonight. It's going to be the proverbial chuckle hut on today's show, kids.NEW O&A VIDEOS ONLINE: Thanks to our own Sam, we have some new Opie and Anthony Show videos online:
Jose Canseco visits The Opie and Anthony Show
Floyd 'Money' Mayweather visits The Opie and Anthony ShowOpie and Anthony Animation Festival: The Opie and Anthony Animation Festival officially has a Venue! Get those animating skills honed and ready to go, because The O&A Animation Festival is going to be at The Roseland Ballroom in New York City!!
GET ALL THE ANIMATION FESTIVAL DETAILS HERE...Now Back to this Whip 'em Out Wednesday thingee...If you want to get WOWed, you might need to get your hands on a WOW STICKER. There's a few ways to go about it:
2. Send a self-addressed, stamped envelope (NOT A SMALL ONE, DUMMIES) to:
The Opie and Anthony Show
WOW Sticker Requests
111 West 57th Street
Suite 500
New York, NY 10019
3. Get yourself an OFFICIAL WOW T-SHIRT!. They come in all sizes, so no matter how many tuna fish sandwiches you like to eat, you can get one that fits you. CLICK HERE AND GET A SHIRT...DAG NABBIT... and then eat some fishy, speaking of things that have something to do with tits...check out how poorly we segue into this video...The sexy, seductive Brianna Frost (click for her profile) did a faceplant off her in-home stripper pole:

Still need more boobies? Wow, what a sense of entitlement some people have...
We have this li'l site called Rate My WOW, which is loaded up with boobies. Why not Check out all the latest, greatest, beautiful boobies on!OLD SCHOOL OPIE AND ANTHONY: We added a new batch of video you probably have NEVER seen to the Old School Opie and Anthony Section::
Catfighting - Part 1
Catfighting - Part 2
Catfighting - Part 3
Steve C. gets his ass kicked by Tito Ortiz
ROTGUT - Gonna Letric Shock OJ
BEST ASS Contestants - Day 3Holee Crap! Give a look-see and check out all the videos we threw up over in the MEDIA SECTION, including:
Anell Lopez, Cherokee, and Olivia O'Lovely - Big Booty Revenge
UK Police Cruiser Speeding To Emergency Call
Melissa Lauren Plays with Gianna's Huge Rack
CCTV - Orlando Officer Pushes Woman Down Stairs At Nightclub
Gymnast Flips Off Balance beam Onto Face
Flower Tucci Shakes Her Ample Bottom
Pink Polka Dot Webcam Booty DanceSocial networking websites are burning up the get a hose... or JOIN US:
MySpace: Opie and Anthony Opie & Anthony (subscribe now to get all the updates we add to that site)
MySpace: FoundryMusic
FUBAR: FoundryMusic
Twitter: FoundryMusic
Facebook: FoundryMusic
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