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Friday Opie and Anthony Links: Buzz Aldrin, Penn Jillette, Willl Ferrell, BLACK SABBATH, Mike DeStefano, Traveling Virus THIS WEEKEND!!! - New videos
LISTEN TO TODAY'S OPIE AND ANTHONY SHOW ON AUDIBLE (link usually active by 3pm EST)Holy Crap, it's finall FRIDAY... it's been a hell of a week, and today is going to be EVEN crazier... Why, you ask? Well, let's see:
- First off, the great Buzz Aldrin
is coming in to talk to the boys about his new 3D animated film, Fly Me To The Moon, which opens on August 15th.
- Then, our buddy Penn Jillette from Penn & Teller is coming by to promote the new season of 'BULLSHIT'.
- Oh, that's not all... Will Ferrell is going to check in with the guys, since we missed him the other day.
- Our pal, and Traveling Virus comedian Mike DeStefano will be hanging with us, getting pumped up for Saturday's big shebang at PNC BANK Arts Center.
- And if you thought THAT was cool shit... check this out... BLACK SABBATH
... or as some call this incarnation HEAVEN & HELL
is going to come hang out and promote their signing at Vintage Vinyl in Fords, NJ on Saturday.One more time... for you slow assholes in the back of the classroom who keep asking about that website that our own Jim Norton mentioned on Monday... It's called HOT MOVIES. You can go there, watch as much (or as little) of a title as you want.
We often link to Hot Movies in our adult review section.
There you go. Now stop with all the let's make an awkward segue into this WEEKEND's TRAVELING VIRUS Show...Traveling Virus 2008 - TOMORROW NIGHT!!!!: The Opie and Anthony Traveling Virus hits the PNC BANK Arts Center TOMORROW, AUGUST 2nd, and there's going to be comedians, clown-dunking, and pest-boothing, and maybe a staff member or two in desperate need of a blow job... just sayin'...
Get Lineup information and Ticket Links HERE... for Christ's sake, it's TOMORROW NIGHT, so you can walk your ass up and get tickets if you want too!If you aren't able to make it to the Traveling Virus show tomorrow, you can still PRETEND you were there... with an OFFICIAL Traveling Virus T-Shirt, which looks mysteriously like last year's version... OK, so we don't have an updated T-shirt graphic, but we're almost certain Opie's brother Elmo is going to be selling shirts:

CLICK HERE TO ORDER YOURS TODAY! (you know, the one from last year) here's a self-serving and semi-related segue....check out this self-serving madness... (truth be told, we were getting a lot of Email from young women asking if these were on sale anywhere...and interestingly enough, they ARE)
CLICK THE PIC TO GET THEM NOW! we show you more boobies...The petite (not to mention bisexual) Danni Davis from Foundry Cams sent us a brand-spanking-new video:

CLICK THE PIC TO WATCH DANNI's NEW VIDEO...and of course if looking at half-nude 20-something young ladies is enough to pitch your tent...Well, there's a place JUST FOR YOU.We're talking about Ashley Madison...the place you go if you want to cheat... discreetly (right, because so many people want to do it overtly...sheesh)... it's the dating service that caters to married men and women. You know, the one you're hearing the naughty ads for? Now you know. Go investigate.How's about peeling yourself away from that enormous box of Oreos
and check out what's new in the MEDIA SECTION, including:
Bathroom Bosom Massage
Tree Falls Over In Storm, Barely Misses Car
Homemade Webcam Striptease
Ametista The Hot Russian Blonde
Slovenian Reggae Band Hit By Lightning
Jana Cova Library Striptease
Marketa Belonoha Topless On A Boat
Crazy Laptop Lady in Schenectady Library
Caught On Tape: Woman Nearly Hits Officer, Resists ArrestWe changed up some of our social networking links, so JOIN US:
Facebook: FoundryMusic NSFW videos (we put all the dirty vids in one location)
Vidilife: FoundryMusic (updated daily)
LiveVideo: FoundryMusic (updated daily)
MySpace: Opie and Anthony
MySpace: FoundryMusic
FUBAR: FoundryMusic
Twitter: FoundryMusic (you can get updates to your cell phone here as well)
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