DEMONCOW: What gives you goosebumps?
Jenn: Scary things-or being kissed on the neck :D
DEMONCOW: Name a hidden talent not many people know about
Jenn: I can do the splits. (which, of course, is better than having 'the shits'... *rimshot*)
Sweet Victoria and Jenn lookin' fancy...CLICK THE PIC, fool!
DEMONCOW: If your boyfriend cheated on you, how would you get back at him?
Jenn: Dump his ass and find someone better.
DEMONCOW: Great dessert or great sex?
Jenn: Hmm...both.
Jenn mushes her boobs in her FUCK ME shirt. Click the pic to get one!
DEMONCOW: What is the hottest thing a guy can wear?
Jenn: Depends on the guy & their style. (alright! Diaper, Superman cape, and a cock ring...and I'm good to go!)
DEMONCOW: What is the key to your heart?
Jenn: Hmm...I dunno lol.
DEMONCOW: Love or money?
Jenn: Love first, then money.
DEMONCOW: Whatcha thinkin' about?
Jenn: How I'm about to grill some burgers and I'm pretty hungry.
This, kids, is the face of a gal who wants a hamburger.
DEMONCOW: What celebrity would you like to see running America, and why?
Jenn: Hah...none.
DEMONCOW: Describe your ideal date
Jenn: Well, assuming I like the person...Probably something fun in the day time like the beach or an amusement park- then dinner. ('assuming you like the person'? I take it you've dated people you DON'T like? Odd girl.)
DEMONCOW: Grey's Anatomy or Desparate Housewives?
Jenn: I watch both :)
DEMONCOW: Good guy or bad boy?
Jenn: A good guy who looks bad :D
DEMONCOW: Most awkward thing someone has said to you after sex?
Jenn: I don't think this one has happened, being I've only been with two people ever lol.
DEMONCOW: Are you a girly girl or a tom boy?
Jenn: I look girly & enjoy being girly, but I also like "tom boy" things like bugs and outdoor stuff.
DEMONCOW: Who disgusts you? Please don't say me, please don't say me.
Jenn: Rosie O'Donnell.
DEMONCOW: We're going to ransack your porn collection (when you're not looking, of
course). What are we going to find (what titles, genre, etc)?
Jenn: Lots of different stuff- personal fav though, Ozzporns go to hell haha
Whaddyaknow...Those 'F*CK ME' shirts really DO make their boobs poke out more. Now click the pic!
DEMONCOW: Describe for us, your favorite sandwich (no, not one with you and two guys,
you and two chicks. we mean FOOD).
Jenn: Hmm...I tend to eat alot of roast beef on wheat with extra mayo & cheddar cheese. (How DO these girls stay so tiny when they eat such massive amounts of food? Damn them and their rapid metabolisms!)
See JENN in these videos:
Jenn Dances To 'Guitarfather'
Jenn Pops Out Of Her Polka Dot Bra
Jenn and Gigi Dance on Webcam
Jenn Shows Off Her Amazing Hiney on Webcam
OK, Jenn is a woman of few words, but that's OK... she looks great wearing next to nothing and .
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