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Friday Links: Worst Of, Download the O&A Show, New Photos, Interns Needed, Traveling Virus in Detroit, New Videos online
The Opie and Anthony Show is in 'Worst Of' mode today, so sit back, relax, have a frosty beverage or seven...and enjoy some custom tailored Worst Of Opie and Anthony. Remember kids, if you missed ANY of this week's shows, you can hear them online via Audible:
DOWNLOAD THE O&A SHOW 7/23/07It's about that time again, boys and girls... We're looking for Opie and Anthony Show INTERNS for the fall semester! Gather your cover letters and resume's and APPLY ONLINE NOW!Thanks to E Rock, we have a new batch of O&A Show Photos online:
Fez Whatley On The Stripper Pole
Les Stroud/Survivor Man visits Opie and Anthony
Bret Michaels Visits The Opie and Anthony Show
Extreme Male Camel Toe ThursdayIf you can't be at the show, You can still PRETEND you went there...with an OFFICIAL Traveling Virus T-Shirt, made of real lips and assholes (so we're told... we could be mistaken):

CLICK HERE TO ORDER YOURS TODAY!NEW Official Opie & Anthony 'All The Way' T-Shirt!

Click the PIC! Order yours today!Speaking of shirts...

(Check out what Kylie is wearing!)The lovely Kylie from FOUNDRY CAMS sent in a great new video showing off her F*CK ME SHIRT...and her hiney in a mirror...
FOUNDRY CAMS: Kylie Rocks out in her F*CK ME shirtThere's another batch of video goodness in the MEDIA SECTION, including:
Two Petite Girls Show off Their Thongs
Failed 7-11 Robbery
Cheerleader Thrown Up In The Air...and Dropped
Nikki and Her Friends Oil Up In The Kiddie Pool
Oscar Bites Owner's Hand During Feeding
Cute Blonde Chick Strips out of her work Clothes
Crazy club Chicks Bikini Wrestling
Busty Jana Works Out At The Gym
Worst Celebrity Interview EVER - Merry Miller and Holly Hunter (from ABC NEWS online)The Return of WHAT THE HELL IS THAT??? (Grand Prize Winner Gets an iPhone...runners up get cash!): We're bringing back one of the more disgusting events the O&A SHOW has ever done. It's What the Hell is that?, where you get to come in, show us something on your body that you CAN NOT identify (growth, bump, legion, pustule, carbunkle, limb, or otherwise) and we get to examine, diagnose (no, not really) and most importantly...point and laugh. EMAIL TRAVIS WITH ALL YOUR CONTACT INFO IF YOU WANT IN
Then of course, you can check out these VIDEOS from the last time we did WHAT THE HELL IS THAT? in 2001:
What The Hell Is That? - Clip 1
What The Hell Is That? - Clip 2
What The Hell Is That? - Clip 4
What The Hell Is That? - Clip 5Like what we're doing? Add us to your TECHNORATI favorites
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