DEMONCOW: What gives you goosebumps?
Kylie: Needles and Bad B.O. !! ...ugh...
DEMONCOW: Name a hidden talent not many people know about
Kylie: Oh i dono.. I don't really have a talent, but i can do a mean Keg stand! (you know, sometimes I forget how old these girls are, and I'm quick to throw out those sarcastic 'MENSA' comments... I'll be nice today.)
She's crawling out of the computer...she's coming to see ME!!!! Maybe. Click The Pic! See Kylie LIVE!
DEMONCOW: If your boyfriend cheated on you, how would you get back at him?
Kylie: Leave his ass!! isn’t that a huge pain in its self! ha!! I hate drama!
DEMONCOW: Great dessert or great sex?
Kylie: Great sex first then afterwards, great desert! (...and there's another one. These cam girls love the sex AND the sweets. Go figger.)
Kylie Shows off her hiney and her F*CK ME shirt. Click the pic to get one (A shirt, not a hiney)!
DEMONCOW: What is the hottest thing a guy can wear?
Kylie: a great smelling cologne...IPR Baby!!!. (ehh, what's 'IPR'?).
DEMONCOW: What is the key to your heart?
Kylie: An Iced Carmel macchiato hahahah
DEMONCOW: Love or money?
Kylie: I plead the 5th! (Oof, that's a girl who really wants to say 'money', but is too afraid she's gonna look shallow if she does so)
DEMONCOW: Whatcha thinkin' about?
Kylie: The love or money question still..ha! (ah ha! It's the guilt settling in!)
I have never wanted to be a pair of green panties more in my life... dear God. CLICK IT!.
DEMONCOW: What celebrity would you like to see running America, and why?
Kylie: Jay Z bc he's freaking amazing and talented!! (oof. gonna reseve comment on that one)
DEMONCOW: Describe your ideal date
Kylie: Oh Just a super sweet guy who takes me to dinner and the bar.And pays FOR IT ALL. (ok, we'll go along with chivalry, but she's still diggin' on the money question)
DEMONCOW: Grey's Anatomy or Desparate Housewives?
Kylie: Tuff.. but deff Greys baby!
DEMONCOW: Good guy or bad boy?
Kylie: hy bother with this.. girls always go for the bad guys.. even if they say they want a good guy.
DEMONCOW: Most awkward thing someone has said to you after sex?
Kylie: Nothing.....
DEMONCOW: Are you a girly girl or a tom boy?
Kylie: Girly girl, but not the kind that is afraid of dirt and stuff.
DEMONCOW: Who disgusts you? Please don't say me, please don't say me.
Kylie: Abbie is amazing!! haha But i would have to say jealous girls!! (Ahh, she thinks her boss wrote these questions. Nope. Sorry.)
DEMONCOW: We're going to ransack your porn collection (when you're not looking, of
course). What are we going to find (what titles, genre, etc)?
Kylie: X Rated Midgets... HA!! just joking..sooooo joking.. Actually u wont find any bc I’m not into porn really....sorry guys ;) (just for kicks, we should send her a shipment of Joey Silvera's finest Tranny titles... tee hee)
Kylie is ALMOST showing us a bosom... and we're ALMOST climaxing in our shorts. Oofah. CLICK THE PIC!
DEMONCOW: Describe for us, your favorite sandwich (no, not one with you and two guys,
you and two chicks. we mean FOOD).
Kylie: um... steak and cheese with southwest sauce.
See Kylie in these steamy videos:
Kylie Rocks Out in her F*CK ME shirt
Kylie Rocks out in her Bedroom
If your happy parts are as happy as ours right now, you're going to want to hit up Kylie right now..
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