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Wednesday Links: Whip 'em Out Wednesday, Patrice Oneal, Chris Hansen, New O&A Video, Traveling Virus In Detroit, New Videos Online, Superbad Screening
LISTEN TO TODAY'S SHOW ON AUDIBLE (link usually active by 3pm EST)Happy Whip 'em Out Wednesday Ladies of Paltalk, and thank you all for the early morning boobage! (log in and check out the 'Opie and Anthony LIVE' room to see them now!)It's a beautiful day in New York area, a lot of people are going to the beach, and it's PERFECT BOSOM WEATHER! If you want to get WOWed, you might need to get your hands on a WOW STICKER. There's a few ways to go about it:
2. Send a self-addressed, stamped envelope (NOT A SMALL ONE, DUMMIES) to:
The Opie and Anthony Show
WOW Sticker Requests
111 West 57th Street
Suite 500
New York, NY 10019
3. Get yourself an OFFICIAL WOW T-SHIRT!. They come in all sizes, so no matter how many corndogs and hamburgers you like to eat, you can get one that fits you. CLICK HERE AND GET A SHIRT...DAG NABBIT... and then eat some beef and cheese.Speaking of shirts...

(Check out what Nyli is wearing!)The lovely Kyra from FOUNDRY CAMS sent in a great new video showing off her amazing hiney in a thong and her F*CK ME SHIRT...
FOUNDRY CAMS: Kyra Dances Sexy In Her White F*ck Me Shirt and Tiny ThongToday on the Opie and Anthony Radio Show, we welcome back our pal Patrice Oneal, who is filling in for Jim Norton, who you will see on Jimmy Kimmel Live tonight! Our pal Chris Hansen from DATELINE will also be stopping by today to talk about all the pervs he helps bust on TV.Speaking of li'l Jimmy, Jim Norton's BEST-SELLING book, HAPPY ENDINGS: The Tales Of A Meaty-Breasted Zilch, is on SALE NOW, and he's doing a bunch of book signings, including one FRIDAY in Michigan:
- Birmingham, MI: Borders Books & Music #180 – Firday August 3rd, 7:30pm
Thanks to our own Sam, we have a new Opie and Anthony Video online:
Jared's Pube MoustacheIt's about that time again, boys and girls... We're looking for Opie and Anthony Show INTERNS for the fall semester! Gather your cover letters and resume's and APPLY ONLINE NOW!Next stop for the Traveling Virus is the DTE Pavillion in Clarkston, Michigan on August 4th. Got your tickets? No? Get Your Tickets Online NOW!If you can't make the show in Michigan, you can still PRETEND you were there...with an OFFICIAL Traveling Virus T-Shirt, made from the nose hairs of French prostitutes (so we're told... we could be mistaken):

CLICK HERE TO ORDER YOURS TODAY!NEW Official Opie & Anthony 'All The Way' T-Shirt!

Click the PIC! Order yours today!There's another batch of video goodness in the MEDIA SECTION, including:
Weightlifter Headbutts Barbell and Knocks Himself Out
Skateboarding Off A Roof..into a Metal Shed
Busty Girls In Tight Black Leather Clothes Get Very Friendly
'Vanilla Snow' - A Chocolate Rain Parody
Mike Rowe Sells Lava Lamps on QVC
Lingerie Pillow Fight
Angry HALO kid Flips Out
The Tonight Show: Tiny Tim Sings 'Do Ya Think I'm Sexy'
The Procedure - with Willem Dafoe, Will Ferrell, and Andy Richter'SUPERBAD' SCREENING FOR O&A FANS: Today at 5pm, Columbia Pictures and The Opie and Anthony Radio Show cordially invite you to an advance screening of SUPERBAD in New York City!
We'll RSVP as many as we can, and then about 300 seats will be available at the theater (first come,first serve), so if you want in, you better move your ass.
to RSVP: Please call 212.833.5493 or Email with your name, date of birth, and phone number. (The movie is RATED R, so you must be 17 yrs old or older to attend)Like what we're doing? Add us to your TECHNORATI favorites
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