DEMONCOW: What gives you goosebumps?
Nyluh: When I get to witness someone I love or admire achieving a long sought after goal (this would work better with an example, you know. We assume she's not talking about the time Uncle Ned finally was able to hold down forty-seven bratwursts at one sitting)
DEMONCOW: Name a hidden talent not many people know about
Nyluh: I have been singing since age 9, trained in classical theater and opera and just recently moved on to singing more contemporary music or "pop" music. My sound is unique but I would compare it to Christina mixed with Mariah.
Oh lord, that skirt is almost OFF!! Click the pic, fools... She's Online Now!
DEMONCOW: What are you wearing at this very moment? (no lying. We have spy satellites and underwear-sniffing dogs)
Nyluh: My Victoria's Secret graphic tee that reads, "My dog is cuter than yours." She really is special :)
DEMONCOW: If your boyfriend cheated on you, how would you get back at him?
Nyluh: I wouldn't. I would simply move on, and show him all the goodness he'd be missing.
DEMONCOW: Does ‘eating’ qualify as cheating?
Nyluh: What do you think?. (Well, *I* think I guess that would be the answer. Thanks!)
DEMONCOW: Great dessert or great sex?
Nyluh: I'll opt for a yummy bowl of fruit topped with whipped cream thank you very much! Oh, and a foot rub while I'm enjoying it :)
Want some of that ass? Click Nyluh's Hiney!
DEMONCOW: What is the hottest thing a guy can wear (ie; which article of clothing will guarantee a fella some horizontal action with you)?
Nyluh: A bright sexy smile- and absolutely no horizontal tango will be taking place simply because of his appearance ;)
DEMONCOW: OK, now what’s the DUMBEST thing a guy can wear (you know, the kind of clothing that makes you immediately NOT want to sleep with a fella)
Nyluh: Well, when I look at someone for the first time I never consider sex with them! However, the way a man dresses has little to do with my physical attraction to him, it's his level of confidence and how he holds himself that makes or breaks a situation- if he seems arrogant or I can tell he's trying to impress me I won't give him the time of day.
DEMONCOW: What is the key to your heart?
Nyluh: Acceptance. I have met and gone out with far too many young men who have such unrealistic expectations about love and life in general. The key is communication, being understanding and accepting that person for exactly who they are. People who walk around with their heads in the clouds end up lonely and sad.
DEMONCOW: Love or money?
Nyluh: You can have both, life is all about balance.
DEMONCOW: Whatcha thinkin' about?
Nyluh: You Steve, you. (Wow, someone thinks sucking up is going to win her some brownie points. It's working, too!)
Nyluh cleans up nice, doesn't she? ... CLICK IT!.
DEMONCOW: What kind of food turns your rear end into a bubbly salad shooter? (meaning, what type of cuisine is most likely to give you intestinal discomfort)
Nyluh: haha, well Steve I defiantly would avoid any type of food that looked like it would rip my intestines to shreds! Hasn't happened yet, that'd be horrible!
DEMONCOW: What celebrity would you like to see running America, and why?
Nyluh: I do not see the potential in any specific celebrity at this time for that level of responsibility!
DEMONCOW: Which celebrity deserves a spiked stiletto heel up his/her ass, and why
Nyluh: We all deserve a kick in the rear sometimes. (Are we to conclude by this answer that the lovely Nyluh considers herself to be a 'celebrity'? Hmmm...)
DEMONCOW: Describe your ideal date
Nyluh: Anything from the heart. If I am overwhelmed with a particular situation it is because that person took special care to make sure my night was wonderful.
DEMONCOW: Grey's Anatomy or Desparate Housewives?
Nyluh: Neither, and I'm sure they're both great. I don't have time for TV :)
DEMONCOW: Good guy or bad boy?
Nyluh: Great man. To be a great man, you must be noble, confident, trustworthy, spiritual in some way shape or form, and motivated to achieve all that you have and more.
DEMONCOW: Most awkward thing someone has said to you after sex?
Nyluh: Sex should be with someone you love, and when you have sex with someone you love, it is never awkward.
DEMONCOW: Are you a girly girl or a tom boy?
Nyluh: Well I'd hate to stereotype myself as either or. I do have an aggressive streak and I have never been afraid to get dirty. I used to work for a ranch for a summer day job, I shoveled loads of horse poopoo and fed pastures of pregnant mares, trust me no valley girl could ever handle that! Then later in the evening I'd go out with my girls and get all dolled up and giggly. Like I said, life is all about balance!
Psst...Nyluh... We can see down your shirt. Oh, you meant for that to happen.
DEMONCOW: Who disgusts you? Please don't say me, please don't say me.
Nyluh: I've learned to forgive almost everyone for everything. Almost. (Oh come ON...don't leave us hanging! Who's the 'almost'?)
DEMONCOW: I’m going to ransack your porn collection (no, you don’t have enough time to clean up and hide them). What kind of titles/genres/performers am I going to find in your smut drawer?
Nyluh: Well, I'm sure your "smut" drawer is nice and stocked :-P Personally I prefer a sweet sensual massage with a real person, I don't watch videos with strangers having sex. (OK, what if it was two people who you KNEW having sex? You know, like an aunt and uncle? parents maybe?)
DEMONCOW: OK, now I’m heading for your ‘toy chest’…What kind of sexual devices are getting you off these days?
Nyluh: haha! (What? 'haha'? Details, lady!)
Who are you kidding? You don't eat peanut butter! Oh, oh.. wait...the tongue. Wow. Nice.
DEMONCOW: Describe for us, your favorite sandwich (no, not one with you and two guys,
you and two chicks. we mean FOOD).
Nyluh: I'm a vegetarian, so my sandwiches are stacked with fresh baby greens, low-calorie dressing, a soy meat pattie and any kind of fresh vegetable I toss in. I like to switch it up :)
See Nyluh in these great cam videos:
Nyluh Is Finger-Lickin' Good
Nyluh Needs You Tonite
Nyluh in her Bra and Panties...on webcam
Nyluh in a front of her webcam
Thanks to Nyluh for giving us some in-depth answers to our dopey-ass line of inquiry.
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