DEMONCOW: What gives you goosebumps?
Femme: Lips on the back of my neck. Breath on the back of my neck. Teeth on the back of my neck. Anything on the back of my neck makes me melt. :)
DEMONCOW: Name a hidden talent not many people know about
Femme: I can walk across a room on my hands. I use to be a gymnast, so I am very flexible and quite strong.
Jesus H. Christ Almighty...stay just like that, Femme... we're coming!! Click the pic, fools... She's Online Now!
DEMONCOW: What are you wearing at this very moment? (no lying. We have spy satellites and underwear-sniffing dogs)
Femme: *whispers* I am sitting in class right now. Shhh. I have a white tank top on. Denim capri's and sandles... oh and underneath? White G-string and a white sports bra. (how ANYONE in that class focuses with her sitting in the room is a fucking mystery)
DEMONCOW: If your boyfriend cheated on you, how would you get back at him?
Femme: Dump him. That's punishment enough. He'll learn his lesson (hopefully). I'm not into getting revenge. Karma can be a bitch if you aren't a good person.
DEMONCOW: Does ‘eating’ qualify as cheating?
Femme: I am not quite sure what you are asking. haha. It could be one of two things, so I'll answer both. Eating great food without me, not cheating... I would be really bummed and expect you to bring some of this food home to me, but otherwise you're allowed to eat. ;) Eating pink tacos? Yes, definitely cheating. (Damn...almost got away with it that time. No, actually we didn't)
DEMONCOW: Great dessert or great sex?
Femme: Great Sex. You can never have too much of that. I'll take that, thank you. I don't have much of a sweet tooth anyway.
Femme (on top of Nicole and Sweet Victoria) shows off her 'Your Mom's Box' Shirt. Click the pic to get one!
DEMONCOW: What is the hottest thing a guy can wear (ie; which article of clothing will guarantee a fella some horizontal action with you)?
Femme: I really like it when a guy wears a suit jacket or blazer with a casual tee underneath, and jeans. It's ridiculously good looking.
DEMONCOW: OK, now what’s the DUMBEST thing a guy can wear (you know, the kind of clothing that makes you immediately NOT want to sleep with a fella)
Femme: Flannel. Just don't do it, unless it's Halloween and you're trying to look like a scarecrow.
DEMONCOW: What is the key to your heart?
Femme: Strong Hands. I melt with a pair of strong hands running along my body, or throwing me around. People say the eyes are the window to the soul. I say it's the hands. (yeah, but those hands could be attatched to a body with a puny what you wish for, lady)
DEMONCOW: Love or money?
Femme: Both. It's no fun to be without the other.
DEMONCOW: Whatcha thinkin' about?
Femme: I'm trying to act like I am paying attention to the teacher's lecture as I am typing. :) (atta girl! Down with skool!)
Yeah! What she said! ... CLICK IT!.
DEMONCOW: What kind of food turns your rear end into a bubbly salad shooter? (meaning, what type of cuisine is most likely to give you intestinal discomfort)
Femme: Well, too much greasy food gives me an upset tummy. In general I can eat anything, but occasionally we all stumble upon some sort of food poisoning. Consequently, I will never again eat at Arby's. It's evvvvil.
DEMONCOW: What celebrity would you like to see running America, and why?
Femme: None thank you! Celebrities are celebrities because they are talented in other areas not related to politics. They should stay on their side of the fence.
DEMONCOW: Which celebrity deserves a spiked stiletto heel up his/her ass, and why
Femme: Eww ouch! That's harsh. If I had to subject one person to that I have to say I really have a problem with Screech (Dustin Diamond). He is so sad, pathetic, and disgusting. He's not a man but a boy, a boy that needs to grow up. (Agreed. He also needs to make better sex tapes)
Femme shows off her FOUNDRY MUSIC F*CK ME Shirt. Click the pic to get one!
DEMONCOW: Describe your ideal date
Femme: Good conversation, eye contact, and friendly company are a major requirement. If you have those covered, feed me some good food, buy me some tasty beverages, and I am a happy camper.
DEMONCOW: Grey's Anatomy or Desparate Housewives?
Femme: I don't watch either. I watch Family Guy, Sex in the City, anything on Adult Swim, and I am really excited for the new series on AMC called Mad Men. Those who made The Sopranos have created it and it looks fantastic.
DEMONCOW: Good guy or bad boy?
Femme: Good guy. I'm a sucker for those nice guys, especially the nerdy ones. Talk computers, Warcraft, or economics to me, and I am putty in your hands. Oh and if you have a pair of glasses consider yourself warned
DEMONCOW: Most awkward thing someone has said to you after sex?
Femme: "Ok, you can get off me now." The condom was pinching him! But I totally took it the wrong way and got all pissed off. haha. We made up. ;)
DEMONCOW: Are you a girly girl or a tom boy?
Femme: I'm somewhere in between. It depends on the day really. If I am hiking or climbing trees, then I'm more tomboy-ish. If it's a clubbing night, I am all girl… full on makeup, slinky dress, sexy heels, perfume, prepped hair, and a smile.
DEMONCOW: Who disgusts you? Please don't say me, please don't say me.
Femme: Michael Jackson. What the hell is he anyway? He's not even human anymore.
DEMONCOW: We're going to ransack your porn collection (when you're not looking, of course). What are we going to find (what titles, genre, etc)?
Femme: I looove me some Jenna Jameson. You'll find movies such as Bella Loves Jenna, Janine Loves Jenna, The Masseuse, The New Devil in Miss Jones... and I love Pirates. I have tons of Maxims and a few Playboys. Women are too sexy to resist.
DEMONCOW: OK, now I’m heading for your ‘toy chest’…What kind of sexual devices are getting you off these days?
Femme: Oh man. Too many to list. A cotton candy pink 8in silicone dildo, 8in glittery pink vibrator, a purple vibrator with a suction cup on the bottom of it for extra fun bathtub fun, a pink pocket rocket, a 4 in silicone vibrator, nipple clamps, a yellow strap on bee vibrator, a red curved g-spot vibrator, handcuffs, ankle restraints, blindfolds, ropes, pink caterpillar anal beads, and more. I like to accessorize my sex. ;) (OK, Femme is officially our kind of gal)
How many of you just chipped your teeth banging into your computer screens? ... CLICK THAT ASS!
DEMONCOW: Describe for us, your favorite sandwich (no, not one with you and two guys, you and two chicks. we mean FOOD).
Femme: Ohhh, I looove a good sandwhich. First it's multli-grain bread, with light mayo and mustard. Then you have your romaine lettuce, and provolone cheese… lots of both. Then you have your thin sliced turkey. Viola! Mmmmm. Damn I am hungry.
See Femme in these steamy videos:
Femme Dances in her 'FUCK ME' shirt
Femme in a Football Jersey taking a Beer Bath
FOUNDRY CAMS: This is for the Soldiers
Femmme Dances For FoundryMusic
Hot Ass Webcam Girls Love FoundryMusic
Femme Dresses Up Like Alice...but not for long
Femme and her wet tank top
Femme and Geida Dancing on Webcam
That was officially one of the best interviews we've posted yet, and we'd like to thank Femme for taking the time to give us some great answers to our dumbass questions.
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