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Wednesday Opie and Anthony Links: Whip 'em Out Wednesday, New Boobs on Paltalk RateMyWOW, Stoner Spelling Bee - Sign up now!, Jim Norton coming to Bo
Listen to Today's OPIE & ANTHONY Show on AUDIBLE (link usually active by 3pm EST)Holy Moley Mother of God! It's OCTOBER already? Where DOES the time go, kids? Hmm? Ponder that while we go off on a tear about a wonderful day we like to call Whip 'em Out Wednesday.Happy Whip 'em Out Wednesday boys and girls... especially to the Lovely ladies on Paltalk, who go out of their way each and every morning to show off their private parts on their webcams. They'll keep doing it if you're nice, guys... so don't be too pushy. And who are we bullshitting anyway, right? 90% of you are on PalTalk to see CHICKS GETTING NAKED ON CAM, so why pretend you're doing something noble, right? log in to your Paltalk and check out the 'Opie and Anthony LIVE' room to see them now!...speaking of Whip 'em out Wednesday... let's look at some boobies!New Boobs On RateMyWOW: Thanks once again to our west coast buddies Yoshi and Brandon Iron, who is always gathering content for his sites Load My Mouth and Sperm Cocktail (seriously, don't click those if you're at work...unless you have a REALLY understanding boss) for you to enjoy, we have TWO new sets of boobs for you to whack your bag to courtesy of adult starlets Jacky Joy and Kristina Rose...
RateMyWOW: Jacky Joy
RateMyWOW: Kristina RoseSTONER SPELLING BEE - SIGN UP NOW! Attention stoners - Pay...ummm...attention... if you think you can spell and if you like to get baked early in the morning, Email Danny & Steve with your name, number, and contact information, and be ready to spell some big-ass words (we'd like to do this soon, so please hurry up and get your names in)Wii Fit Challenge: Hey all you chunky butts and Nintendo Wii fans! Have you tried out the Wii Fit yet? Did you ever want to see a bunch of physially un-fit people trying to exercise on a Wii Fit? Are YOU a physically un-fit person (under 300 lbs) who wants to get on a Wii Fit to see how unhealthy you are? we had to postpone the originally-scheduled Wii Fit Challenge, but we're going to do it again very soon. Email Danny if you're interested in participating (no guarantees, but we might have a spot open up) Jim Norton Live in Boston - Tickets on Sale Now: Our own Jim Norton is coming to the Wilbur Theater in Boston in mid-November, and the tickets are selling FAST. Get Tickets Online let's get back to the whole 'Whip 'em Out Wednesday' thing...If you want to get WOWed, you might need to get your hands on a WOW STICKER. There's a few ways to go about it:
2. Send a self-addressed, stamped envelope (NOT A SMALL ONE, DUMMIES) to:
The Opie and Anthony Show
WOW Sticker Requests
111 West 57th Street
Suite 500
New York, NY 10019
3. Get yourself an OFFICIAL WOW T-SHIRT!. They come in all sizes, so no matter how many Ice Cream Bars you can pack away, you can get one that fits you. 
CLICK ABOVE (or here) AND GET AN OFFICIAL WOW SHIRT...... and then eat some soft, delicious ice cream bars....and while we're on the subject of merchandise plugging....check out this self-serving madness... (truth be told, we were getting a lot of Email from young women asking if these were on sale anywhere...and interestingly enough, they ARE)
CLICK THE PIC TO GET THEM NOW!(...still need more boobies? OK you entitled ass... let's plug THIS video one final time...)The beautiful, busty, blonde Kyra (click for her profile) from FOUNDRY CAMS sent us a new video wearing her snazzy STAY COZY shirt:

CLICK THE PIC TO SEE KYRA IN A SHIRT, THONG, HEELS...and NOTHING ELSE......and if watching our girl shake her ass for a few minutes has got you feeling affectionate...Well, there's a place JUST FOR YOU.That 'cheating website' you keep hearing ads for: We're talking about Ashley Madison...the place you go if you want to cheat... discreetly (right, because so many people want to do it overtly...sheesh)... it's the dating service that caters to married men and women. You know, the one who can't get their ads played on certain cable channels? Now you know. Go investigate.Listen you... step away from the potato chips, wipe your hands off on the couch, and head over to the MEDIA SECTION, where you'll see:
Sharae Spears - PLAYBOY photo shoot
CCTV - Milwaukee Driver Plows Into Gas Station Kiosk
Shyla Styles Crawls Around On the Floor
Car Fire At JETS game
Alexa Goes Skinny Dipping
Fat Man Dives Through Small Pool FloatThese are some of the social networking programs we're linked up with, so JOIN US, won't you?
Facebook: FoundryMusic NSFW videos (we put all the dirty vids in one location)
Vidilife: FoundryMusic (updated daily)
LiveVideo: FoundryMusic (updated daily)
MySpace: Opie and Anthony
MySpace: FoundryMusic
FUBAR: FoundryMusic
Twitter: FoundryMusic (you can get updates to your cell phone here as well)
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