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Monday Opie and Anthony Links: Download The O&A Show, Patrice Oneal in studio, Handwriting Analyst, New O&A Audio, New Boobs On RateMyWOW, ROCKtober
Listen to Today's OPIE & ANTHONY Show on AUDIBLE (link usually active by 3pm EST).Happy friggin' Monday. Blech.As always, if you missed any of this past week's shows, you can download them in there entirety from the nice folks at AUDIBLE:
Download the Opie and Anthony Show for Friday, 10/3/08 (Louis CK, Dennis Hof and Air Force Amy)
Download the Opie and Anthony Show for Thursday, 10/2/08 (Otto & George)
Download the Opie and Anthony Show for Wednesday, 10/1/08 (Whip 'em Out Wednesday)
Download the Opie and Anthony Show for Tuesday, 9/30/08 (Rich Vos and his awful teeth)
Download the Opie and Anthony Show for Monday, 9/29/08 (Larry Charles from 'Religulous')Today on the Opie and Anthony Radio Hoedown our buddy Patrice Oneal will be gracing us with his presence and giving us his take on... well, whatever the hell he wants to. Patrice is going to be in Lincoln, RI next week at Catch A Rising Star, so if you're in the area... go support our intimidating friend.Since we were so busy on Friday's Show and didn't get to her in time, today we're going to be talking to handwriting analyst, Michelle Dresbold, author of Sex, Lies, and Handwriting: A Top Expert Reveals the Secrets Hidden in Your Handwriting, and she's going to reveal the secrets behind intern David's handwriting.New O&A Show Audio: Thanks to the production of our ProTools guru Derek, and a lousy Australian accent from yours truly, we have The Elusive Big-Titted Whore Promo to share with all of you...and thanks to Air Forcde Amy from The Moonlite Bunny Ranch and HBO's series Cathouse for the screaming.It's ROCKTOBER - Send Us some awful Radio: Hundreds of radio stations across the country engage in this awful tradition known as 'Rocktober'...and we want to hear what radio in YOUR town sounds like. Email Sam with your suggestions and radio station samples... you know, so we can rag on them!STONER SPELLING BEE - SIGN UP NOW! Attention stoners - Pay...ummm...attention... we're actually getting a decent response now to our request for potheads, but we can always use more! If you think you can spell and if you like to get baked early in the morning, Email Danny & Steve with your name, number, and contact information, and be ready to spell some big-ass words (this may happen this week, so please hurry up and get your information to us)Wii Fit Challenge: Hey all you chunky butts and Nintendo Wii fans! Have you tried out the Wii Fit yet? Did you ever want to see a bunch of physially un-fit people trying to exercise on a Wii Fit? Are YOU a physically un-fit person (under 300 lbs) who wants to get on a Wii Fit to see how unhealthy you are? we had to postpone the originally-scheduled Wii Fit Challenge, but we're going to do it again very soon. Email Danny & Steve if you're interested in participating (no guarantees, but we might have a spot open up) Our mushy-breasted compatriot Jim Norton is heading out to Los Angeles today to do The Tonight show on Tuesday, and possibly some other TV (We'll keep you posted), but he's got a ton of shows coming up. Visit Jim's Myspace Page for a full list of his upcoming dates.Jim Norton Live in Boston - Tickets on Sale Now: If you enjoy the comedy stylings of one Jim Norton, and you're in the Boston area, you should head to the Wilbur Theater in Boston in mid-November, and the tickets are selling FAST. Get Tickets Online Now.New Boobs On RateMyWOW: Thanks once again to a lovely female fan, as well as our west coast buddies Yoshi and Brandon Iron, who is always gathering content for his site Load My Mouth (seriously, don't click those if you're at work...unless you have a REALLY understanding boss) for you to enjoy, we have a couple of new sets of boobs for you to whack your bag to courtesy of adult starlet Mary Jane (God DAMN, this chick has been in a ton of videos)...
RateMyWOW: Mary Jane
RateMyWOW: Painted nails and Perky Boobs 1
RateMyWOW: Painted nails and Perky Boobs 2(Speaking of BOOBS, lookee what we have to show you!)The seductive Jenn (click for her profile) from FOUNDRY CAMS sent in a brand new video with her torn-to-shit Pink Teddy Bear shirt:

CLICK THE PIC TO SEE JENN SHAKE HER AMAZING ASS!(...and if watching our girl shake her ass for a few minutes has got you feeling affectionate...Well, there's a place JUST FOR YOU guys and girls).That 'cheating website' you keep hearing ads for: We're talking about Ashley Madison...the place you go if you want to cheat... discreetly (right, because so many people want to do it overtly...sheesh)... it's the dating service that caters to married men and women. You know, the one who can't get their ads played on certain cable channels? Now you know. Go investigate.How's about lifting your head up from that giant bowl of pudding, cleaning your face with a wet-nap, and head over to the MEDIA SECTION, where you'll see:
One Finger Pull Ups
Bill Clinton Speech Makes Woman Faint...sort of.
Tammy Gives Herself a Boob Massage
Shooting an Anvil 500 Feet In The Air
Urinating on An Electric FenceThese are some of the social networking programs we're linked up with, so JOIN US, won't you?
Facebook: FoundryMusic NSFW videos (we put all the dirty vids in one location)
Vidilife: FoundryMusic (updated daily)
LiveVideo: FoundryMusic (updated daily)
MySpace: Opie and Anthony
MySpace: FoundryMusic
FUBAR: FoundryMusic
Twitter: FoundryMusic (you can get updates to your cell phone here as well)
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