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Thursday Opie and Anthony Links: Bob Kelly, New O&A Podcast, Animation Conest Update, New O&A Hot Chicks Video, New Boobs On RateMyWOW, New Videos
LISTEN TO TODAY'S OPIE and ANTHONY SHOW ON AUDIBLE (link usually active by 3pm EST)O&A ANIMATIONS ARE ON iTunes NOW!! (Watch The Hot Dog Guy Now!)
Jim Norton's Got TEN CD's Worth Of Material online - order 'The Best Of Jim Norton' on iTunes NOW!

The O&A ANIMATION CONTEST Continues! We're looking for you talented bastards to show us how creative you are by ANIMATING your favorite Opie and Anthony bit(s). The best entries will be showcased at a LIVE event in April (to be announced), so DO NOT POST THEM ONLINE BEFORE THEN... YOU'LL RUIN THE SURPRISE!. Check out some examples of quality animations here:
Jimmy's Glasses - by Rob Y from Brooklyn
Bob Kelly's Iraqi Werewolf - by Rhett P in Sparta, NJ
1950's Future - by Adam L in Marlboro, NJ
O&A's New Names - by Andrea
The Imus and Reverend Al Show - by Cokelogic
The Imus and Reverend Al Show - by Cokelogic
Board Room Jimmy - By Cokelogic
Take your time... and MAIL US THE VIDEO (We need a BIG file if it's going to be shown on a big screen):
The Opie and Anthony Show
Animation Contest
XM Satellite Radio
111 West 57th Street, Suite 500
New York, New York
10019Today on the Opie and Anthony Radio POgram, we'll be touching our private parts, picking our noses, and eating our boogers. So, it's just like any other day. We'll also be talking to our pal Bob Kelly, who is playing Banana's in Hasbrouck Heights, New Jersey this weekend.COIN CLEAVAGE CONTEST - SIGN UP NOW! Due to the OVERWHELMING (sarcasm) response to the 'Coin Cleavage' contest, we've had to push back the contest date to March 13th!
Apparently, we have to spell it out a little more clearly for you ladies. THIS...IS...EASY...MONEY...DAMMIT.. SIGN UP TODAY!NEW O&A VIDEO ONLINE: Thanks to Sam, we have new video online of those smokin' hot chicks from Ripe TV in studio...and being mortified with a variety of hardcore smut:
VIDEO: The Hot Girls from RIPE TV watch porn with Opie and AnthonyNEW BOOBS ON RATEMYWOW: Thanks again to our west coast buddies Yoshi and Brandon Iron, who is promoting Load My Mouth, we have a GREAT new pair of bosoms to share with you...
(Ladies, get YOUR pics in TODAY, but remember: No WOW in Photo = Not Getting On Site):
RateMyWoW: MADISON IVY..and now we show you this over here...The lovely Ferrari(click for her profile) from FOUNDRY CAMS sent in this great new video of her in fishnets and a F*CK ME shirt:

CLICK THE PIC TO SEE FERRARIHoly moley, look at what spilled out all over the MEDIA SECTION, like greasy grimy gopher guts:
Long Island Man Bashes Cat To Death
Hot Blond Girl Dancing To Captain Dangerous
Big White Booty In A Red Bikini
TODAY Show Editing Mistake On Winter Storm Segment
Nikki Nova Strips Out of Her Bikini
'You Are All Just Stupid Kids': Mother Bugs Child's Backpack To Spy On Teacher
Powerlifter Ryan Kennelly Attempts 1085 lb Bench Press
Busty Faith Takes A Bubble BathOLD SCHOOL OPIE AND ANTHONY: If you look at Opie and (lower left), you'll see we added OLD SCHOOL OPIE AND ANTHONY video and audio to the page for those of you who might need a refresher course on some of those classic moments from the O&A SHOW. Today's links include:
Best breasts - Julie's Bouncing Boobs
WOWing On The TODAY Show
Best Breasts - A Bevy Of Bosom
Best Breasts - Lauren Drops Her Top
CBS Covers the Voyeurbus Incident - Part 1
CBS Covers The Voyeurbus Incident - Part 2Social networking websites are taking over the interwebs...and so are we (well, kinda):
MySpace: Opie and Anthony Opie & Anthony (subscribe now to get all the dates we add to that site)
MySpace: FoundryMusic
FUBAR: FoundryMusic
Twitter: FoundryMusic
Facebook: FoundryMusic
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