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Friday Opie and Anthony Links: Bob Kelly, Doug Stanhope, Lenny Clarke, Dru Boogie, New Boobs On RateMyWOW, The O&A Show NEEDS Interns, New Videos Onli
LISTEN TO TODAY'S OPIE and ANTHONY SHOW ON AUDIBLE (link usually active by 3pm EST)O&A ANIMATIONS ARE ON iTunes NOW!! (Watch Anthony vs. Tippy Tom now!)
Jim Norton's Got TEN CD's Worth Of Material online - order 'The Best Of Jim Norton' on iTunes NOW!

Li'l Jimmy's also doing a li'l comedy tour, and he's in Denver tonight and Minneapolis this weekend. You can see him LIVE if you get your tickets now!Today on the Opie and Anthony Show, since Jim Norton
in out of town, our pal Robert Kelly is filling in. Because we're coming up on a li'l break, Dru Boogie is in studio playing us in and out of commercials, and Doug Stanhope is also coming back in to hang and plug his Caroline's shows. Finally, Lenny Clarke is going to be stopping by the show to promote his gigs at COMIX this weekend. Remember, if you want to see any of these important people LIVE, in studio, and then by extension, FEEL better about yourself, because being around important people makes us all feel important, right? (what a load of SHIT)... turn on your PALTALK if you want to see any of the in-studio banter, booger-eating, or boobies (well, those are online anytime if you go to the Opie and Anthony Live room)... or just do what we do and watch couples have morning sex on cam for hours on end.The Opie and Anthony Show NEEDS INTERNS - Sign Up To be an O&A Intern TODAY! (must get college credit)NEW BOOBS ON RATEMYWOW: Thanks again to our west coast buddies Yoshi and Brandon Iron, who is promoting Load My Mouth, we have a GREAT new pair of bosoms to share with you...
(Ladies, get YOUR pics in TODAY, but remember: No WOW in Photo = Not Getting On Site):
RateMyWoW: CAMILLA RHODES (oofah)ELIOT SPITZER's HIGH-PRICED ESCORT: Want to see the New York City escort that was nailing Governor Spitzer? SEE THE PHOTOS OF 'KRISTEN' ....aka ASHLEY ALEXANDRA DUPRE (thanks ERock)NEW OFFICIAL OPIE & ANTHONY T-SHIRT - ON SALE NOW!

CLICK THE PIC TO GET YOURS NOW!..and speaking of shirts...The super-sexy Exotic Lisa from FOUNDRY CAMS is wearing a Stay Cozy Shirt in her new video:

CLICK THE PIC TO SEE EXOTIC LISA's NEW VIDEOThe O&A ANIMATION CONTEST Continues! We're looking for you talented bastards to show us how creative you are by ANIMATING your favorite Opie and Anthony bit(s). The best entries will be showcased at a LIVE event in MAY (to be announced), so DO NOT POST THEM ONLINE BEFORE THEN... YOU'LL RUIN THE SURPRISE!. Check out some examples of quality animations here:
Jimmy's Glasses - by Rob Y from Brooklyn
Bob Kelly's Iraqi Werewolf - by Rhett P in Sparta, NJ
1950's Future - by Adam L in Marlboro, NJ
O&A's New Names - by Andrea
The Imus and Reverend Al Show - by Cokelogic
The Imus and Reverend Al Show - by Cokelogic
Board Room Jimmy - By Cokelogic
Take your time... and MAIL US THE VIDEO (We need a BIG file if it's going to be shown on a big screen):
The Opie and Anthony Show
Animation Contest
XM Satellite Radio
111 West 57th Street, Suite 500
New York, New York
10019 We got BEEF & CHEESE in the MEDIA SECTION, so get make yourself gassy:
Two Sexy Babes In Bikini Tops and Miniskirts Making Out
Canadian Reporter Flipped By Sled
Dina Meyer Topless Scene from STARSHIP TROOPERS
Killer Whale Knocks Trainer from Tank During Sea World's 'BELIEVE'
Blond Babe in Camouflage Top Shows Off Her HUGE boobs
Ginger The Potty Trained Bobcat
Denise Milani Rolling Around At The Beach
El Paso TV News Vans Drag Racing
LIA 19 and ALISON ANGEL playing on the beach in Maui
Bulgarian Woman on 'Music Idol' sings Mariah Carey's "Ken Lee"
Melissa Dettweller Wrestling vs. Jennifer Martin
Woman Attacks Clerk Over Styrofoam Cup Size
THE INCREDIBLE HULK - Official TrailerSocial networking websites are burning up the get a hose... or JOIN US:
MySpace: Opie and Anthony Opie & Anthony (subscribe now to get all the updates we add to that site)
MySpace: FoundryMusic
FUBAR: FoundryMusic
Twitter: FoundryMusic
Facebook: FoundryMusic
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