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Wednesday Opie and Anthony Links: Whip 'em Out Wednesday, Patrice Oneal in studio, New Boobs On RateMyWOW, New Videos Online
LISTEN TO TODAY'S OPIE AND ANTHONY SHOW ON AUDIBLE (link usually active by 3pm EST)Happy Whip 'em Out Wednesday, especially to the Wonderful Women of Paltalk, who are getting better looking each and every day. Thank GOD they spend so much time NAKED ON THEIR WEBCAMS, and have no problem being oogled and objectified. (log in and check out the 'Opie and Anthony LIVE' room to see them now!)Our large African-American compatriot Patrice Oneal is once again in studio, filling in for the ailing Jim Norton. Pray for him. Actually, he's off doing something... somewhere. He told us. We forgot.NEW Boobs On RateMyWOW: Thanks to our west coast cronies Yoshi, and Brandon Iron, who is promoting his site LOAD MY MOUTH (seriously, don't click on that at work), we have a new set of nubs to show you, courtesy of starlet Sandee Miles:
RateMyWOW: Sandee Miles
(Ladies... submit your WOW photo now! Remember, no WOW in the photo = not getting on the site)...In keeping with the bosom theme of the day... If any portion of the previous photo left you with an urge to fondle the bosoms of the sexy (but married) co-worker, you might want to check out this thingee... We're talking about Ashley Madison...the place you go if you want to cheat... discreetly (right, because so many people want to do it overtly...sheesh)... it's the dating service that caters to married men and women. You know, the one you're hearing the naughty ads for? Now you know. Go investigate.Now, back to this Whip 'em Out Wednesday thingamajig...If you want to get WOWed, you might need to get your hands on a WOW STICKER. There's a few ways to go about it:
2. Send a self-addressed, stamped envelope (NOT A SMALL ONE, DUMMIES) to:
The Opie and Anthony Show
WOW Sticker Requests
111 West 57th Street
Suite 500
New York, NY 10019
3. Get yourself an OFFICIAL WOW T-SHIRT!. They come in all sizes, so no matter how many boxes of Twix bars
you can wolf down, you can get one that fits you. CLICK HERE AND GET AN OFFICIAL WOW SHIRT...... and then eat some chocolate cookie bars...speaking of OFFICIAL SHIRTS... lookee what we have going on...OFFICIAL ANIMATION FESTIVAL SHIRTS: Opie's brother Elmo designed a special shirt JUST for the Animation Festival and you can get them online while supplies last!

CLICK THE PIC TO GET YOUR SHIRT NOW!!!!...and of course, as long as we're talking about shirts...we got girlie shirts!!!
CLICK THE PIC TO GET THEM NOW!Why not put down that brick of cheddar cheese
you've been eating, and check out all the videos to the MEDIA SECTION, some of which feature BOOBIES...including:
Jacuzzi Time with Anette Dawn
European Driver Parallel Parking...In A Hurry
Amazing Ass In a Red Thong
Subway Fight Ends with Robbery
Teagan Presley plays with Her Glass Butt Plug
Cyclist Frank Schleck Falls into Ravine during Tour de SuisseSocial networking websites are burning up the get a hose... or JOIN US:
MySpace: Opie and Anthony Opie & Anthony (subscribe now to get all the updates we add to that site)
MySpace: FoundryMusic
FUBAR: FoundryMusic
Twitter: FoundryMusic
Facebook: FoundryMusic
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