Ladies and Gents... our interview with the lovely GINA LYNN
DEMONCOW: What gives you goosebumps?
Gina Lynn: When I get kissed on the back of my neck.
DEMONCOW: Name a hidden talent not many people know about
Gina Lynn: I drive a monster truck if that’s talent.. (Wouldn't so much call it a 'talent' as I would 'plug #1'... Check out a small pic of Gina's truck here)
Gina Lynn. Gold Bikini. Almost Nekkid. CLICK THE PIC!
DEMONCOW: What are you wearing at this very moment? (no lying. We have spy satellites and underwear-sniffing dogs)
Gina Lynn: I’m wearing sweat pants and a wife beater, I just came from the gym
DEMONCOW: If your boyfriend/husband cheated on you, how would you get back at him?
Gina Lynn: I would probably just leave him and move on.
DEMONCOW: In all of the scenes you have done, what is the most despicable, never-want-to-do-it-again act that you can recall? Details, please. We're sick over here.
Gina Lynn: I blew 5 guys at one time and they all came in a martini glass and I drank it and all but threw up. (anyone else got a boner right now? I'm packing at LEAST four and a half... I swear)
DEMONCOW: Does ‘eating’ qualify as cheating?
Gina Lynn: Yes of course, so does kissing. (Fuck, you're a strict one... but you're also hot. Hmmm...strict, but hot...strict...but hot. I have to mull this over.)
DEMONCOW: Great dessert or great sex?
Gina Lynn: Great sex .
Gina Lynn... post-workout? Still VERY do-able. CLICK THOSE SWEATS!
DEMONCOW: What is the hottest thing a guy can wear (ie; which article of clothing will guarantee a fella some horizontal action with you)?
Gina Lynn: Tshirt and jeans but they must look good on the guy. (translation: 'fat guys go home')
DEMONCOW: OK, now what’s the DUMBEST thing a guy can wear (you know, the kind of clothing that makes you immediately NOT want to sleep with a fella)
Brianna: Those 80 work-out pants with all the crazy prints, lol (I think she means '80s workout pants'... rather than trying to isolate eighty specific pairs of workout pants)
DEMONCOW: What is the key to your heart?
Gina Lynn: Guys that love animals and children and are honest
DEMONCOW: Love or money?
Gina Lynn: Love but money is needed to survive
DEMONCOW: Whatcha thinkin' about?
Gina Lynn: Eating some hot wings. (I love it when they're honest. See? She could have made up any bullshit line, but she just got home from the gym, and she's craving hot wings. You have those hot wings, Gina...then go get a roll of Charmin.)
Gina Lynn... from the waist up. Could she be... on the toilet getting rid of some hot wings? CLICK THAT TORSO!
DEMONCOW: What kind of food turns your rear end into a bubbly salad shooter? (meaning, what type of cuisine is most likely to give you intestinal discomfort)
Gina Lynn: Chinese Food also gets me. (wait, what do you mean 'also gets me'?... perhaps she was thinking about eating the hot wings, but then hesitated because she then thought of the massive intestinal fury that would follow? Wow, and I was kidding with that crack about the Charmin)
DEMONCOW: What celebrity would you like to see running America, and why?
Gina Lynn: Leonardo Dicaprio because he’s environmentally friendly/concerned
DEMONCOW: Which celebrity deserves a spiked stiletto heel up his/her ass, and why
Gina Lynn: Cameron Diaz. (Yeah, but why? It can't possibly be because of that topless dominatrix video she did when she was younger, could it? You can't hold that against her...she was young... needed the money...etc. )
DEMONCOW: Describe your ideal date
Gina Lynn: Nice dinner, movie and some hot sex afterwards.
DEMONCOW: Grey's Anatomy or Desparate Housewives?
Gina Lynn: Grey's Anatomy
DEMONCOW: Good guy or bad boy?
Gina Lynn: Bad Boy, because good guys always finish last. I like a mans man.
DEMONCOW: Most awkward thing someone has said to you after sex?
Gina Lynn: He complained because he came too quick telling me my pussy was too tight. (Ha...that's it. Blame HER. It's always HER fault... I should try that one next time)
DEMONCOW: Are you a girly girl or a tom boy?
Gina Lynn: Girly Girl
Gina at a convention in a warehouse in Jersey ...probably around 2002... Holding a homemade Opie and Anthony WOW sticker. CLICK THAT STICKER!
DEMONCOW: Who disgusts you? Please don't say me, please don't say me.
Gina Lynn: Michael Vick, all that fame and fortune and he has to kill innocent animals
DEMONCOW: I’m going to ransack your porn collection (no, you don’t have enough time to clean up and hide them). What kind of titles/genres/performers am I going to find in your smut drawer?
Gina Lynn:The best of the best of course, me, Alexis Amore, Nikki Benz, Lela Star, Jenna Haze and Shyla.
DEMONCOW: OK, now I’m heading for your ‘toy chest’…What kind of sexual devices are getting you off these days?
Gina Lynn: Big dildo’s, vibrators, my personal blow up doll and plenty of lube.
You can put your hands over the nipples, Gina...but we can still see those bosoms. CLICK THOSE BOOBIES!
DEMONCOW: Describe for us, your favorite sandwich (no, not one with you and two guys,
you and two chicks. we mean FOOD).
Gina Lynn: Tuna fish with melted cheese (tuna melt) and a big pickle and chips on the side
DEMONCOW: Hypothetical Situation: You're on a bed in a hotel suite with seven other lovely young ladies, videotaping a scene for an upcoming video. There's a crowd of guys watching the action, so there's probably a good 17-20 people in the room. All of a sudden, you smell the unmistakable odor that can only be attributed to a human fart. Do you:
1) Yell "Cut!" and seek out the offending party so that you may point and laugh at him/her?
2) Pretend like nothing happened and risk going down on the chick who just blasted one?
3) Join in and rip one yourself, creating a new fetish video?
Gina Lynn: 1) Yell “CUT” and seek out the offending party so that I can point them out and laugh! I like number 3 though too.
Thank you Gina for a most impressive set of answers to a most mediocre set of questions. We appreciate you tolerating our sillines
Jim Norton's Birthday Party - Gina Lynn Enters With a Cake
Jill Nicolini and Gina Lynn in 'SURVIVE THIS'
Jim Norton's Birthday (with Gina Lynn and Jill Nicolini)
Gina Lynn and Ivy In Studio
Gina Lynn, Hot Shannon, and Friends
RateMyWOW: Gina Lynn
Get Gina Lynn DVDs on sale Now!
....and if you absolutely can NOT wait to get a DVD, and you must rub one out to Gina Lynn now, WATCH GINA LYNN VIDEOS ON DEMAND RIGHT NOW!
Finally, make sure you visit THE OFFICIAL GINA LYNN WEBSITE for everything you ever wanted from the lovely Gina Lynn
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