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Wednesday Opie and Anthony links: Whip 'em Out Wednesday, Opie Returns, Boobs on Paltalk and RateMyWOW, New O&A Animation, Jim Norton LIVE dates
Listen to Today's WORST-OF OPIE & ANTHONY Show on AUDIBLE (link usually active by 3pm EST).Happy Whip 'em Out Wednesday ladies and germs... especially to the Lovely ladies on Paltalk, who, on occasion, have been known to flash a bosom. Oh, who are we bullshitting? They're usually naked, on their webcams, showering, sleeping, screwing, or smoking. If you can manage NOT to be a pushy douche, they might just keep doing it. Look, we're realists. 90% of you are on PalTalk to see CHICKS GETTING NAKED ON CAM, so just fess up, Chesterfield...log in to your Paltalk and check out the 'Opie and Anthony LIVE' room to see them now!On today's POgram, Mr. Gregg 'Opie' Hughes returns to the show a married man, and we'll catch up with him for a bit before launching into the abyss of stupid.New Opie and Anthony Animation: Someone (and by 'Someone' we mean a guy named Jorge) has decided to give old Cokelogic a run for his money with a new Animation of Opie, Anthony, and Jimmy discussing women over sixty...
Watch 'Opie, Anthony, and Jimmy Discuss Women over Sixty' - Online Now!(Here's a rigid, non-flowing, totally random transition. Let's plug Jimmy Norton!)Our shorn-head, mushy-breasted compatriot Jim Norton is headed to Virginia this week, and has got a ton of shows coming up. Visit Jim's Myspace Page for a full list of his upcoming dates.GET JIM NORTON TICKETS ONLINE NOW!(Jim Norton's new book is also out, and it's a NY Times Best Seller! if you don't have it yet...go order JIMMY NORTON's NEW BOOK!)Jim Norton's New Book - 'I HATE YOUR GUTS': Just for the sake of redundancy, we'll tell you again... Our shorn-headed compatriot Jim Norton has a new book titled I Hate Your Guts, and it's on sale now. You can order your copy online, so you don't have to venture out into the real world and deal with those pesky 'other people':

CLICK THE IMAGE ABOVE TO ORDER 'I HATE YOUR GUTS' NOW(Now let's get back to this whole WHIP 'EM OUT WEDNESDAY thingamagig...)New Boobs On RateMyWOW: Thanks once again to our west coast buddies Yoshi and Brandon Iron, who is always gathering content for his site Load My Mouth (so very NSFW!), we have some amazing boobs for you to crank one out to courtesy of adult starlet Isabella Amour and a buxom female fan...
RateMyWOW: Isabella Amour
RateMyWOW: Holy Hell Would you look at THESE - 1
RateMyWOW: Holy Hell Would you look at THESE - 2
(Ladies, submit YOUR photos today to RateMyWOW, but remember... no 'WOW' in the photo = Not Getting On The website)If you want to get WOWed, you might need to get your hands on a WOW STICKER. There's a few ways to go about it:
2. Send a self-addressed, stamped envelope (NOT A SMALL ONE, DUMMIES) to:
The Opie and Anthony Show
WOW Sticker Requests
111 West 57th Street
Suite 500
New York, NY 10019
3. Get yourself an OFFICIAL WOW T-SHIRT!. They come in all sizes, so no matter how many dozens of packages of Cheese and Crackers you can scarf down, you can get one that fits you. 
CLICK ABOVE (or here) AND GET AN OFFICIAL WOW SHIRT...... and then go wolf down some cheese on what....and while we're on the subject of merchandise plugging....check out this self-serving madness... (truth be told, we get lots of Email from young women asking if these were on sale anywhere...and interestingly enough, they ARE)
CLICK THE PIC TO GET THEM NOW!(now check out this magical segue... oh man, so seamless...)Re-Make "Pendulum" by FOUNDRY Contest: Attention all musicians, bands, audiophiles, and production geeks! We want YOU to re-make the 1997 classic, catchy, amazing song from FOUNDRY titled "Pendulum". The best entries will get to perform their songs live and get national exposure for their music ALL DETAILS ARE ONLINE HERE (all the really great ones get posted online...or maybe even made into videos...see below)(Speaking of FOUNDRY, check out the video we just got sent by one of our lovelies)The lovely dark blond babe you see holding the guitar before you is Marie. Marie is 24 years old, Garman/Canadian, is sporting some amazing 32D breasts, and oh yeah... she's BISEXUAL. She's also one of the wonderful specimens you can see at FOUNDRY CAMS, and of course she's wearing her FoundryMusic F*CK ME shirt (click to get yours!) while she gives her guitar a tongue bath.

(...and once you're done watching that, you may feel the need for your own tongue bath... and boy do we know the place for you...).
That 'cheating website' you keep hearing ads for: We're talking about Ashley Madison...the place you go if you want to cheat... discreetly (right, because so many people want to do it overtly...sheesh)... it's the dating service that caters to married men and women. You know, the one who can't get their ads played on certain cable channels? Now you know. Go investigate.INTERNS NEEDED: Hey boys and girls! How'd you like to INTERN for the Opie and Anthony Radio Show? You'll be fetching coffee, bagels, and other assorted goodies. You'll most likely be tooled on in front of an international audience as well. APPLY TO BE AN INTERN ONLINE NOW (college credit required)Look, we know how much you love Brownies, but you might want to head over to the MEDIA SECTION, because you might just love what's going on there, including:
Mandy Lynn Topless In Jeans
'Amazing Grace' Christmas Light Display
Busty Ines Cudna Plays With Her Boobs In The Office
Kayden Kross Sheds Her Bra and Gets Topless
Escalator Dive and Bloody FaceplantThese are some of the many social networking programs we're linked up with, so JOIN US, won't you?
Facebook: FoundryMusic NSFW videos (we put all the dirty vids in one location)
Vidilife: FoundryMusic (updated daily)
LiveVideo: FoundryMusic (updated daily)
MySpace: Opie and Anthony
MySpace: FoundryMusic
FUBAR: FoundryMusic
Twitter: FoundryMusic (you can get updates to your cell phone here as well)
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