Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Wednesday Links: New Boobs on RateMyWOW, Britney and Beyonce do lot of Bitching, Busted Up Boxer, Lots of Lesbians Licking

  • Oh lordy...a smut reviewer's job is never done, is it?

    So nice to see Gianna Michaels branching out...Get Your 50% OFF this DVD now!

  • New Boobs On RateMyWOW: Thanks again to our pals Yoshi and Brandon Iron, who is constantly shooting content for SHE IS HALF MY AGE (so very not-safe-for-work), we were able to add new bosoms to RateMyWOW today courtesy of newbie adult starlet Ashly Paige:

    s RateMyWOW: Ashly Paige

  • This super-toned ass has been making the rounds lately... not bad for a mom, right?Subtle, right?

    Sitcoms, morning TV, and rock-hard abs. Thanks to our buds at Drunken Stepfather. CLICK THE PIC!

  • Married man, are ya, Lloyd? your wife doesn't seem to think so...


  • We don't care how many movies she shakes her ass in...

    Beyonce still acts like a whiny Diva on stage

  • (then of course, we have our favorite lip-syncing genius)

  • Our gal Britney Spears got the shit scared out of her the other day at Mohegan Sun:

    Odd how that microphone didn't pick up any of her screaming, eh? now let's all stare at Brit's boobs.

  • (this has ZERO to do with music, but it's funny as hell)

  • Cruiserweight boxer Brian Sutherland had ONE professional fight. It lasted less than a minute

    Down goes the mullet!! Down goes the mullet!!

  • I'M SORRY:
    (Sorry for what? Lesbians? Jesus, our priorities are screwed)

  • Holy Hell. Aria Giovanni and Nikki Nova are having sexy time...

    We're at a loss for words, but not a loss for drool.

  • As long as we're on the girl-girl love thing...

    lookie what Suzie and Bijou are up to... other than having odd names.

  • You all know Gisele from FOUNDRY CAMS and some of the amazing videos she's done for us...

    We all LOVE GISELE... You should too.

  • When you get home from groping your cute married friend, be sure to watch all the clips we added to the MEDIA SECTION, including:

    Suzie Carina and Bijou Get Touchy Feely
    Beyonce Yells at Lighting Techs in Rotterdam
    Aria Giovanni and Nikki Nova Lesbian Fun Time
    Ferrari Crash On Nicolas Cage NYC Movie Set
    Danielle Bathes Her Beautiful Body
    Brian Sutherland - Worst Boxer Ever
    Claudia Flashes in the Park
    20 Year-Old Fan Jumps On Stage with Britney Spears

  • These are some of the many social networking programs we're linked up with, so JOIN US, won't you?

    Twitter: FoundryMusic (you can get updates to your cell phone here as well)
    MySpace: FoundryMusic
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    Facebook: FoundryMusic NSFW videos (we put all the dirty vids in one location)
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  • Posted via web from foundry's posterous

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