Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Pick-Up Artist, Drunk Crying Russian, Mechanic Redband trailer, new music from MR BIG, Shyla Jennings, Jana Defi, and Faye Reagan

  • going out tonight? Let's help take the guess work out of picking up a young lady at the club...

    If she's on the floor passed out and her boyfriend walked out with someone new... she's EXACTLY where you need her to be. Now put your back into it, pack mule!

    (How's about a New Year's Resolution to get into smaller jeans? No? Didn't think so)

  • What's the Russian guy so emotional about?

    Honestly, he's so drunk, he might as well be crying about his shoelaces being untied. Boy, that's embarrassing.


  • The new redband trailer for THE MECHANIC has more blood, more guts, and more boobies:

    All of the above make this Jason Statham movie MUCH more gooder.

  • Speaking of movies... Do you like movies? Want to have your reviews in our MOVIE REVIEW SECTION? No problem. Just Email us with a sample review ... now, dammit!

    When will Heidi Montag go Away? Apparently not yet. (Drunken Stepfather)

    Chikita is one sexy Chickie, especially when she's without those pesky clothes (FreakShow Planet)

    2011 Movie Preview (Bullz-Eye)

    Jennifer Best looks best when she's sans-clothing (z0d)

    Uma Stone...one of the few women named 'Uma' we'd consider doing (Dailyniner)

    The Only Other Jobs ‘Dog The Bounty Hunter’ Could Do (Fork Party)

    Stuff You Should Know: Pirates (The Smoking Jacket)

    What Would You Add to This List of Bachelor Pad Must-Haves? (BroBible)

    I'M SORRY:
    (Sorry, not every meal consists of cake, blubber guts)

  • After a bumpy few years, MR BIG is back with a new studio album, What If:

    All it took was a break-up (2002), a reformation (2009) and a world tour (2010) to get them to take another run at the money. Ah, capitalism.

  • Let's abruptly segue into boobies. Why? Because boobies RULE...

  • Shyla Jennings is Twistys Treat this month and with good reason:

    ANY girl who just has to get naked deserves some kind of award, doesn't she?

  • Sexy Czech Jana Defi has 32G-sized funbags, and how she stays upright is a mystery. She SHOULD be falling on her face:

    And considering those knockers are ATTACHED to her, she has an awful lot of fun playing with them. Boobs. They NEVER get old, do they?

  • Pale-skinned adult starlet Faye Reagan doesn't like taking orders from Hayden Winters:

    See? She looks so bummed out, doesn't she? What's a gal to do? Ahh, wait...we know...go get a bunch of your average-looking friends and attack!

  • ...and that, as they say, is that. Now go enjoy the day and try not to offend anyone with your horrendous stench...

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    FRIEND FEED also has a spot for FoundryMusic... because we're in desperate need of friends.

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