(Just like your very existence. You suck at life, and it's a miracle you haven't blown your own head off yet)
If you guessed any less than FIVE... you were WAY off
Stallone... Willis...Schwarzenegger? All blowing shit up at one time? Well, kinda.
It's the brand-spanking-new trailer for The Expendables.
Sandra Bullock is under that raincoat (WWTDD)
as she SHOULD be, because her husband's tattooed mistress, Michelle Bombshell McGee is showing off her tattooed tits and forehead at SoCalGlamourGirls
Khloe Kardashian stuffs her face (Drunken Stepfather)
Aww come ON...why can't you be more of a good egg like your sister Kim?
Gay Politician Arrested, Snared in Straight-Sex Scandal (Asylum)
Angel Dark will have you craving Dark Meat... or at least semi-dark meat (Freakshow Planet)
2010 Baseball Preview (Bullz-Eye)
Maya Helena Codina. Three Names. One fantastic Body. (Dailyniner)
Taylor Swift Trampled By Unicorns (Dave and Thomas)
Health Insurance Industry Exploits Loop Holes In all Future Health Care Bills (Apoliticus)
Five of the Hottest Women over 40 (Fork Party)
Irene Richie is Rich with with...uh, boobies. (z0d)
Shocking: The Nissan LEAF Electric Vehicle to Hit the Streets at Around $25K. Or Less. (The Bachelor Guy)
16 strange, awesome Japanese commercials (UPROXX)
Indian baby born with vagina on her forehead (AfroJacks)
IN-N-OUT Burger Prank Revealed (College Humor)
(Sorry that toxic personality is equalled only by your toxic halitosis. Here's a toothbrush, dummy)
"Hooligan's Holiday" never sounded this mellow.
Then again, don't bother. It's more fun to watch them make videos like this one.
This is iPod video from a birthday party for Perry Ferrell, who just turned 51.
From Metal to mammaries....
Don't you worry... her full-length videos are MUCH raunchier... and far less literal.
on the slightly less-top-heavy end of the spectrum...
we assume it's itchy, because she's on that couch in her birthday suit in no time.
She's got a webcam. She's not afraid to use it. Dammit.
Click on Violet Right Now, and stare slack-jawed at her awesomeness!
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