...and the story goes like this...
in 1997, a band called FOUNDRY released their first (and ONLY) CD, titled WHAT KILLS ME. At the time, it didn't do much except sit on store shelves in Boston, Massachusetts, looking all swirly:
Oooh... Swirly... CLICK IT!
In 2009, we made the CD available online, worldwide via iTunes, Amazon, Rhapsody, Napster, and countless other services...and it sold pretty damn well, much to our surprise.
Now, thanks to our production genius buddy Rich DeCicco and guitar virtuoso Rob Balducci, We present to you RETOOLED - totally revamped versions of those classic FOUNDRY songs.
See? We even updated the cover art... now click it!
On RETOOLED, you'll hear updated, badass versions of the following songs:
What Kills Me
Ain't Like You (featuring Rob Balducci)
Black Lights, Bright City
Thanks to Chris at ThatWerks for updating the cover art
Thanks to our buddy Rob Balducci for lending his amazing guitar skills to "Aint Like You"
...and of course, thanks to the one, the only Rich DeCicco for making the songs into what they are now...from what they were.
Now Go and buy RETOOLED...because the songs are amazing... you'll reall dig them. God knows we did.
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