What? You've never seen a room full of women in their underwear? YOU have been hanging out in the wrong places, friend. Adultery. For Adults. It's in the Bible. Somewhere.
(but not nearly as bad as your self-esteem. How DO you make it through the day without slitting your wrists?)
No. We don't. They're the NORTHERN KINGS. They're an acquired taste.
Indiana Jones 5 is Coming... For. Some. Reason. (WWTDD)
Oooh! we know why! apprarnetly 'Crystal Skull' wasn't embarrassing enough. 3 out of 4 ain't bad, is it? Let Indy Go Gracefully, please?
Finally! An appropriate Photo of Snooki's Large Dumper! (Drunken Stepfather)
Nothing Like A Prank War to Start The Year Off (The Campus Socialite)
Aiden Ashley bends over the luckiest leather couch EVER (Freakshow Planet)
Interview With Spike Lee (Bullz-Eye)
Dannni Yeager Rubs against a Yellow Corvette. Lucky Car. (z0d)
10 Signs You're a 20-Something, According to The New York Times (Lemondrop)
Wing Falls Off Plane at Argentina Airshow (The Smoking Jacket)
Drinking and Driving Mixing Even Less Well Than Ususal (UPROXX)
I'm On a Shark!!! (GammaSquad)
Midwife sews woman’s anus shut during labor (The Frisky)
Roger Clemens to Enter Prison in a Red Sox Cap (Sports Pickle)
(So sorry the only women that you can pick up are hungover stragglers from last night's pool party)
and if you're into gorilla noises... go see DISTURBED live...because their songs have lots of it. Gorilla noises, that is.
granted, he seemed a bit shy, but if you had a skeletal face that was clamped together and shackled, you'd be a little insecure too.
Not to brag or nothing, but we knew this song was gonna be huge MONTHS ago, so we used it in a FOUNDRY CAMS video...don't tell US we don't know what we're doing.
See what we mean? Clickity-click-click, mister!
From hard rock to hard bodies (where ELSE did you think this was going?)...
Which comes in very handy when masturbating on video. Just sayin'...
You know, just in case a judge from American Idol is watching shhut up and get naked, lady! What? Too Much?
Not like we fault her or nothing... if we had boobs like hers, we'd be doing the SAME thing. Yaaaay Ice Cream! Er, Yaaaay Boobies!
Click on Emi's very large tattoo, enjoy some Tequila if you'd like, then head on over to FOUNDRY CAMS and chat with Emi LIVE (try not to get too wasted; you don't want any of that drunk-typing happening)
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We also have a spot on this thing called NING, and that rhymes. Go us.
FRIEND FEED also has a spot for FoundryMusic... because we're in desperate need of friends.
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