Her old man obviously isn't coming by anytime soon, so tell this lady to stop brushing her hair so sieze the opportunity and giver her a lift...to your place
(Just like your general state of health, you elephant. There's a busy highway. Go for a walk.)
CAN HE SCORE?? Of course he can. Why else would we bother showing you this? Sheesh.
and because we feel like being semi-racial today, here's a semi-relatable link to go with this silly ass hair-on-fire clip.
Bradley who? Oh Come ON... Bradley Cooper.
Yay! Celeb-Boobies! But Whose? (Drunken Stepfather)
This one should be easy actualliy... Before she made that movie with Mr. Smith, she was showing 'em to everyone who would point a camera at 'em... that's vague enough, right?.
Dominno. You've seen her before. She's got huge boobs and a huge tatoo...and she's opening her umm...yeah (FreakShow Planet)
Bullz-Eye 2010 Year-End TV Review (Bullz-Eye)
The ONLY thing wrong with Capri Anderson's photos is that pesky lingerie (z0d)
Anetta and Zuzana are kissing one another ...but not with their mouths (Dailyniner)
(Sorry you think you have a soul in that bloated body of yours. It's long gone, sweetness.)
Put simply, the combination of EVERY TIME I DIE, ANTHRAX and FALL OUT BOY were on Fearless Music the other day.
They say if you really want to appreciate western culture and a bit of Americana, go to Japan... Wait, what?
How much for the little girlz??
Gee... thanks so much captain Obvious ... the sky is blue and water is wet, by the way.
...ok, you got us... it's not chocolate, and it's not candy...but she DOES put it in her mouth.
Thanks to Rich for the great remake. Thanks to Jon for the amazing editing, and thanks to Gisele for the rockin' bod.
Click on Gisele's impressive rack, then rock out with some FOUNDRY.
When your jaw stops swinging open, Go visit her at Got Gisele
...you can also Chat with Gisele LIVE on her cam
...and that, kids... is how we wrap up today's big-ass-salad of funs....
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We also have a spot on this thing called NING, and that rhymes. Go us.
FRIEND FEED also has a spot for FoundryMusic... because we're in desperate need of friends.
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