We don't want to judge but she's been posting some kinky ads online... and you know what kind of oddballs those can attract. Yeah, us.
(Just like your contribution to society...nothing)
Someone tell that girl on the mic she sounds like two cats fucking... or at least throw a shoe at her. Bless you! Get it? 'A shoe'? Bah.
(You know, unlike your face, breath, hairline, and general disposition)
Kendra Wilkinson's ass looks halfway decent in shorts (Drunken Stepfather)
but not nearly as good as it looks in her homemade sex tape... zinG!.
Click it, fool!
Adele Stephens and Deven Davis have a great doctor/patient relationship (FreakShow Planet)
11 Most Addictive Breakfast Cereals (Bullz Eye)
Dylan Riley will get you all riled up ... see, cuz she's in a teensy gold bikini (z0d)
Alexa Nicole is no ordinary hottie. Nosiree, she's got hooves! No. Not really. Chill out. (Daily Niner)
(Sorry you have no ambition other than sucking off the tits of those wealthier than you)
Oh my God. It's a joke. Lighten up, you overly-sensitive maniac.
He had an 'ouchie'... yes, that's what he called it. Again. Joke. Relax, Chester.
Wow, this is a little too high-brow. Bring on the girls!
That line would work better if we actually KNEW what 'Crowning' was. Ten bucks says we totally misused the word there.
We're guessing none. Yeah, none... it's synthetic, dummy.
Switching gears (kind of)... let's lookee here...
Thanks to Jon for the editing, as always.
Watch the vid. Get all excited... then get yourself on over to Emma-Ink.com and watch Emma LIVE, on webcam, getting naked and dirty just for you. (and we do mean JUST for you, because she'll do the private VIP thing if you want)
...and that, friends... is the way to impress a gal on a first date
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