Did ANY part of your weekend include women in bikinis kissing?

If not, then get on the adult activity bandwagon. It's leaving the station soon, so hurry up! THAT's TERRIBLE: How do you make a guy like MORRISSEY leave a show after two songs?
Umm, chuck a bottle at his head.
(Your lousy mouth IS, though...so go skim a pool, orphan) 
Kim Kardashian still has a big ass(Drunken Stepfather)
We're waiting for Kim Kardashian to make another sex tape. Roxy Panther....ROAR! (z0d) A Chat With Weird Al Yankovic (Bullz-Eye) Rose has a Pretty Pink Butt Plug (Daily Niner) Playboy Playmate Amanda Corey can't keep her shirt on (Freakshow Planet) 30 years of sexy ladies: The women of 1982 (Pt. 2) (Guyism) The 15 Best Prison Movies (Gunaxin) 2012 + RAISING ARIZONA = Aweosme (FilmDrunk) Saw Shaming (College Humor) Yankees Divert Parade Through Boston (Sports Pickle) Top Ten Doomsday Prophecies (AskMen) Sesame Street’s 10 Greatest Musical Moments (Heckler Spray) I'M SORRY: (Sorry that you'll never amount to anything more than a balding house boy) Holy Sexy Czech hotness...it's Veronika Zemanova taking her shirt off:

Yeah, sky's blue, water's wet, Veronika is taking her shirt off...
Legendary Busty Bombshell Tera Patrick Can't keep Her Robe on:

It's just too damn bulky and cumbersome. Damn you, vile satin!
From Boobies to Bands, those kids in EVANESCENCE did a 'secret show' in New York City:

SO secret, that they managed to fill the Grand Ballroom in New York City. Uh huh. Way to keep a secret.
The METAL GOD himself ROB HALFORD has a new CD out. "Winter Songs" is out now:

"Get Into The Spirit"... It's a holiday song. Rawk.
Back to boobies with the lovely Marketa Brymova and her loose-fitting pink dress:

We just saw the uncut full-length clip. We'll let you know how it is after we get a mop.
It's a Halloween Horror Show from the FOUNDRY CAMS girls and POWERMAN 5000, who as luck would have it, gave us the song "Horror Show" from Somewhere on the Otherside of Nowhere
CLICK ON THAT SEXY BITCH! Err, WITCH...sorry. (and now to recap... for the people with massive A.D.D. - us included) When you finish up boinking the new office manager, click on over to the MEDIA SECTION, and check out what we added: EVANESCENCE: 'Bring Me To Life' LIVE in New York City
Veronika Zemanova Peels Off Her Tank Top
Morrissey Leaves Stage after being hit with Bottle
Tera Patrick Busts Out of Her Blue Robe
HALFORD - Get Into The Spirit Official Video
Marketa Brymova Peels Off Her Pink Dress
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