Awww,shit... Why does Shauna Sand look so upset?

It's because you haven't seen her homemade SEX TAPE! She worked really hard on it. Heh, get it? Hard-on! Ha!
It's also on DVD and Blu Ray for you folks who like to see plastic surgery in High-Definition. THAT's TERRIBLE: When doing a high-dive off a hotel balcony...
you might want to leave your brain... on the balcony.
(Your crappy attitude, however, IS. Don't you have a pool to skim?) 
Mariah Carey is too chubby to not wear pants(Drunken Stepfather)
However Mariah does have some very nice boobies 26 Amazing Photos of Robyn Mari Wilson (Gorillamask) Girl Next Door: Jamie (Bullz-Eye) Erin Nicole has Nice Nips and A Puffy Pink Spot (Daily Niner) Super Sexy Stunner Lela Star (Freakshow Planet) 10 Aesthetically Awesome Self Defense Items (Gunaxin) A Practical Guide to Recognizing Comedy In Everyday Life (FunnyCrave) Nic Cage Is Broke Because of Cobra Venom, Dinosaur Skulls (FilmDrunk) The Woman Who Could Think Herself Off (Playboy) Larry King's Hair Is A Bird (Banned in Hollywood) 10 Movie Titles That Double As Euphemisms For Genitalia (NextRound) The 15 best Stacy Keibler videos of all-time (Epic Carnival) Bill Maher Punched By Ponch (Warming Glow) I'M SORRY: (Sorry that you blame everyone else but yourself for your lot in life) Heavenly Heather Vandeven is stripping out of her school girl uniform:

We think she's faking the school girl thing though; the platform heels are a dead giveaway.
This chipper blond is Victoria White, and she HATES her tights

Why does she hate them? We don't know, but she tears those suckers off.
We're on a movie trailer kick today, so let's have a look-see at trailer #3 for Sherlock Holmes with Robert Downey, Jr.:

Looks like Guy Ritchie made a cool movie, eh?
Here's the first teaser for SALT starring Angelina Jolie:

Cool, right? now let's look at Angelina Jolie naked.
Aaaaand from movies to BOOBIES (it kinda rhymes), we have Natalie Sparks, who is getting ready for bath time.

Which is, of course, another way of saying "masturbating in the bathroom".
It's a Halloween Horror Show from the FOUNDRY CAMS girls and POWERMAN 5000, who as luck would have it, gave us the song "Horror Show" from Somewhere on the Otherside of Nowhere
CLICK ON THAT SEXY BITCH! Err, WITCH...sorry. (and now to recap... for the people with head trauma...that means us, too) After you finish nailing your cute co-worker in a motel room, click on over to the MEDIA SECTION, and check out what we added: Victoria White Hates Her Tights
Sherlock Holmes - Trailer 3
Natalie Sparks Gets Ready for Her Bath
SALT - Teaser Trailer
Heather Vandeven Strips Out of Her Schoolgirl Uniform
Jumping Off The Hotel Balcony Into The Pool
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