His name is Dr. K Chaudhry. He's 65, and he's from New Delhi, India. He thinks he can sing Michael Jackson's "Beat It"
We think he's WRONG.
A beaver peed on Debbye Turner Bell's face this morning on the CBS Early Show
Did we stutter? Why haven't you clicked that yet? A Beaver PEED on her face! Sheesh!
(Your lousy mouth IS, go skim a pool, orphan) 
Shauna Sand In A See-Through Shirt(Drunken Stepfather)
OK, that's nice but you COULD be watching the SHAUNA SAND SEX TAPE. Yumi Kai is more than Kinda Sexy (z0d) Featured Model: Erin (Bullz-Eye) Madison Scott is SO totally Naked (Daily Niner) We want to put the Jamie Hammer (Freakshow Planet) Twitter Tells Users To Go Screw Themselves (Comedy) Behold! The ULTIMATE Star Wars Rape Van (FilmDrunk) Andre Agassi Book Deleted Scenes: The Merkin (SportsPickle) Pitmaster Tips For Lighting Your Grill Fire (The Bachelor Guy) Fighting The Idiots: A Modern Warfare 2 Experiment (FunnyCrave) I'M SORRY: (Sorry that you'll never amount to anything more than a balding house boy) Busty Brunette adult starlet Erica Campbell can't go 30 seconds without touching herself.

This video is proof of that. Click it!
OK, keeping with the "boobies" theme British bombshell Hannah Claydon is getting all kinds of naked:

Don't take OUR word for it. Watch the video, fool!
From boobs to bands on the verge of breaking up, it looks like Steven Tyler isn't quite saying "adios" to AEROSMITH yet:

He was on stage with Joe Perry's band at Irving Plaza in New York City this week singing "Walk This Way".
From music to models (of the Russian variety) Ukrainian Playboy hotness Dasha Astafieva will make your head spin:

Unless you're already pointed forward, in which case you'll just stare straight and drool.
Once again, we turn our attention to Gisele, who you all have seen in numerous FOUNDRY CAMS VIDEOS:

We gave her a Grr Shirt. The guys in SLAUGHTERHOUSE and Koch Records gave us "The One". GISELE's SHIRT DOESN'T STAY ON FOR LONG... CLICK IT!!! (and now to recap... for the people with massive A.D.D. - us included) When you finish up boinking the new office manager, click on over to the MEDIA SECTION, and check out what we added: FOUNDRY CAMS: Gisele is The One
Beaver Pees on CBS Correspondent's Face
Hannah Claydon Busts out of her Bra and Panties
STEVEN TYLER joins JOE PERRY PROJECT on stage in New York City for "Walk This Way"
Erica Campbell takes off her tight pink top
Dr K Chaudhry Sings Michael Jackson's "Beat It" poorly
Dasha Astafieva Naked Out By The Fountain
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