Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Wednesday Links: Holiday Humpday Hump-a-thon, Russian Car-Powered Carousel and Tree Hunting, Zakk Wylde shreds in Singapore, Lia 19 and Tori Black

  • Oh the weather outside is frightful, and it's time to hump your neighbors...

    When your neighbors are getting blown, find a ho, find a ho, find a ho... um, yeah.

  • Leave it to a Russian to apply lawnmower technology to make a playground carousel into a neck-breaking-machine:

    Yaaaaay paralysis!

  • Speaking of Russians, check out this badass Russian tree hunter...sneakily hunting the elusive...tree:

    That's a BIIIG bullet, ya know.

    (Your face, on the other hand, is awful. Remove it. With a Shotgun.)

    Jordan is wearing WAY too much makeup (Drunken Stepfather)

    WHO CARES?!?! She made a sex tape that leaked out!

    Caz. She's Pasty. But oddly attractive (z0d)

    2009 Holiday Gift Guide (Bullz-Eye)

    Tina Cutrone has a silver bikini on that barely covers her nips (Daily Niner)

    Penhouse Pet Jennifer Emerson Shows us her beefy bosoms (Freakshow Planet)

    Want to Hear Mickey Rourke Rap? Of COURSE you do! (FilmDrunk)

    Tiger Woods FAIL (Dave & Thomas)

    'Family Ties' Mom is a Total Lesbian (Warming Glow)

    Infographic: Movie Heist Hauls Vs. GDP (Screen Junkies)

    Hip Hop's Most Outstanding Tattoos (RealTalkNY)

    Failed Front Flip (Break)

    13 bouncers use 2 patrons as punching bags behind Jay Z's 40/40 Club in AC (Don Chavez)

    Guillermo Dubs Twilight for Latin Fans (Dave and Thomas)

    War Machine: Armed and Dangerous (Heavy)

    Ten Funniest Words In The English Language (Gunaxin)

  • I'M SORRY:
    (Sorry that your family won't be seeing much of you this holiday season. It's a shame they won't tell you where they live)

  • Oh no! Lia is showering with her clothes on!

    Maybe it's intentional? yes, this makes it official. She meant to shower in an evening gown.

  • and how could you not LOVE Tori Black and her naked hiney?

    She's showing us what it's like behind-the-scenes... ok, whatever. take yer clothes off, Tori.

  • From naked ladies... to something that doesn't rhyme with 'naked ladies'...ZAKK WYLDE rocked a Singapore Prison:

    shredding on his new Epiphone Graveyard Disciple... thing looks cumbersome.

  • and back to boobies (of COURSE)... have you ever seen bosom skills like THIS?

    Perhaps this young lady wanted to be a brain surgeon at one point. Then she discovered THIS wonderful boob-bouncing skill.

  • Thanks to our girl Ember Reigns, who you all have seen in numerous FOUNDRY CAMS VIDEOS for the great video, and our buds in MR. BIG for letting us use the the new track "Next Time Around":

    (and now to recap... because we forget shit almost as easy as you do)
  • Finish up making the sexy time with a sophisticated older woman, and head over to the MEDIA SECTION, and check out what we added:

    Russian Tree Hunter
    Lia 19 Showers in a White Gown
    Zakk Wylde Performs at Singapore Prison
    Boob Trick: winking Bosoms
    Russian Car Powered Carousel
    Tori Black Behind The Scenes Photo Shoot

  • These are some of the many social networking programs we're linked up with, so JOIN US, won't you?

    Zannel: FoundryMusic
    Facebook: FoundryMusic
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    Twitter: FoundryMusic (you can get updates to your cell phone here as well)
    MySpace: FoundryMusic
    NING: FoundryMusic
    FRIEND FEED: FoundryMusic NSFW videos (we put all the dirty vids in one location)
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