(just like the smell you leave behind when you walk out of a room)
You see that blur? Yeah, that's the Guido. Well, ONE of them.
Vivid Entertainment will release 'BATMAN' on May 25th - order now!.
Jenna Jameson is being wheeled into an ambulance (WWTDD)
...and here we see Jenna Jameson being twisted into a pretzel in some of her more memorable roles
Which Hollywood hottie is showing off her trucker-butt here? (Drunken Stepfather)
Here's a clue: she's been in a whole bunch of flops... Hmm... maybe that doesn't help much.
Naomi Campbell Insists Her Men Don't Have to Be Rich...Really! (PopEater)
April O'Neil will get naked in April, May, June... or any month (Freakshow Planet)
Top 5 Light Beers (Bullz-Eye)
Ariel Gives us one less reason to not like redheads (Dailyniner)
Iron Chef's Tips on Handling a Blow Torch (Asylum)
Iron Man 2 Alternate Takes (College Humor)
Watch A True Phillie Phanatic Face Some Rough Justice (The Campus Socialite)
Nice Perky Nubs and a Smoking Hot Bod - it's Dakota Rivers (z0d)
How Tough Are Hockey Players? (Dave & Thomas)
Wanna have lunch with Emanuelle Chiquiri, party with Playmates, and hoop it up with Shaq? Here's how (The Bachelor Guy)
PIRANHA 3D's Viral Marketing Parody Is Vulgar and Boob-Filled (FilmDrunk)
(Sorry that there's no Nobel Prize for holding grudges...because you'd get it for sure!)
Wait, sorry... 'soothing' doesn't apply. OMEN will be out on May 25th.
From Heavy Metal to Hot Ass...
She must be a very impatient gal. *rimshot*
and since we like shameless self-promotion as much as the next fella
(well it almost rhymes)
Then, when you have some motor function back... chat with Samantha LIVE, one-on-one, on her cam!
We're on FourSquare...talking about all the cool shit we do... or wish we did
FOUNDRYNEWS is online, so we can do the blogging thing
Follow us on Twitter, or we'll send wolves to your house to gnaw at your privates
be our friend on Facebook, or we'll send AIDS-infested gerbils through your vents to bite you while you sleep
We've been on MYSPACE since the dawn of time. It was cavemen...and us...and Dane Cook.
We're also on POSTEROUS, so read that shit.
We also have a spot on this thing called NING, and that rhymes. Go us.
FRIEND FEED also has a spot for FoundryMusic... because we're in desperate need of friends.
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