Go out this weekend and fornicate with a two friendly ...and promiscuous gals:
Screw 'Miller time'...it's 'affair time'...Beer is for college kids. Booze and Adultery is for grown-ups.
(Kind of like chili and beer farts, but only worse, because they're coming out of you)
This brawl happens to be between a bunch of Mexicans and Angolans in Houston, TX
you just might want to reconsider getting that tattoo.
Lady Gaga Sure is Friendly (WWTDD)
Holy Shit! Ghost!!! (Drunken Stepfather)
Oh wait, sorry... it's just Mischa Barton. Wearing WAY too much makeup.
July 5th is Everybody Draw Titties on Jesus Day! (FunnyCrave)
The Future of Peeing (UPROXX)
On a scale of 1 to 10, Heather Vandeven is...an Eleven (Freakshow Planet)
A chat with porn star Sasha Grey (Bullz-Eye)
Jamie and Breanne go nipple-to-nipple in this Military Photo Shoot (Dailyniner)
Go To Bed With A TEN Wake Up With A TWO. (Campus Socialite)
K900 Hybrid Grill: Think of it as a Sports Car For Your Patio (The Bachelor Guy)
Jenn Anh Nguyen's Boobs are SO big, she has to hold them up so they don't fall off (z0d)
You had me at "Joe Pesci plays a pimp" (FilmDrunk)
The Walking Dead Are Coming, Grab an Axe (Dave and Thomas)
21 Animals Riding Other Animals (Maxim)
(Sorry all the breath mints on the planet won't clear up that halitosis of yours)
again, we stress...when Weiland is coherent. How often is that? Ehhh, we dunno.
METALLICA. Napster Bad. iTunes Good. Oof, how old is THAT line?
From grunge bands to great big boobies...
You see when you have 34G-sized boobs, you're morally obligated to take your clothes off and play with yourself...because your country wants you to. No matter what country you're from.
and who could blame her? she's working on her site to pay her way through school... so more naked = more college!
What's this? More fantastic shamless self-promotion?? INDEED!
Then, when the feeling returns in your arms and legs... chat with Carmen LIVE, one-on-one!
You can also get hundreds of new photos and videos at Carmen's solo site - CamWithCarmen
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We're also on POSTEROUS, so read that shit.
We also have a spot on this thing called NING, and that rhymes. Go us.
FRIEND FEED also has a spot for FoundryMusic... because we're in desperate need of friends.
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