Yo mang! Whassup! This be some coo' shizz, yo
You follow US on twitter and we follow YOU on twitter. Simple enough, right? and YES, we DO follow you. To the post office, to the grocery store, etc...
How do we know this? we found it in her personal ad... Hell hath no fury, dude.
(Same as the way you say mean things under your breath, thinking no one will notice. Of course everyone DOES)
Yes, it does indeed S U C K. Unless you think getting out of bed to make poo is gross.
Amazing documentary. Highly reccommended. Yes, by US. Sheesh.
(Unlike your feet, which smell like you walked through elephant shit)
You know Skippy from FAMILY TIES was in this, right? Oh yeah, Gene Simmons and OZZY OSBOURNE too.
Yes, playing your records backwards raises dead rock stars from the dead. God, do we have to explain it all?.
In fact, we have no F-ing idea who she is. So there.
Nevaeh. Raina Lee. Touching Tongues. That is all. Resume clicking (FreakShow Planet)
2011 Volvo S60 T6 AWD Car Review (Bullz-Eye)
5 More Rom-Com Sequels We'd Like to See (After When Harry Met Sally 2) (How About We)
I'm Ashamed to be a Boston Sports Fan (MadeMan)
lisa Niels is wearing pants that don't fit. Thankfully she doesn't keep them on for long (z0d)
Sandee Westgate has brown hair and a big-ass tattoo on her ribs. When did this shit happen? (Daily Niner)
(Sorry your taste in women is like your taste in clothing; cheesy, beat up, and worn out)
You should check it out. See, it's like a talent show / karaoke contest. There's celebrity judges... oh yeah, and ZAKK F*CKING WYLDE.
Zakk has a little band thing he does on the side...sha-boom.
The fact that Johnny Solinger from SKID ROW can cook is fairly... uhhh, meh.
The fact that he can chug a bottle of tequila near a hot stove and open flame? NOw THAT folks, is entertainment!
See, Johnny is the guy who came into the band after they re-formed...he's not Sebastian Bach, but that has more to do with D.N.A., you know?
Yes, that's Lemmy from MOTORHEAD and his prune-sized liver on stage with SLASH in Argentina.
Does the ol' Lem even HAVE a liver anymore? Sucker drinks an awful lot of Jack Daniels, yaknowwhatImean, mang?
If you haven't seen the Lemmy movie yet, then ... well, you're just a doo-doo brain. Yup. I said it. Doo-Doo brain.
We just thought this was some cool video, so we put it up.
Well, that and we thought a testicle-angle video of Corey Taylor from STONE SOUR was good enough to post.
Someone asked me if I had the new STONE SOUR disc the other day. I yelled "Yes!"...and then slapped him with a fresh haddock.
OK, time to bring out the beeeeeyotches, yo
What is it with girls like Danni Kaliforniaand these enormous bottles of baby oil?
Is their skin that scaly? It certainly must be, because they use an awful lot of it.
You can catch Carmen each and every night LIVE at FOUNDRY CAMS! ...aaaaaand roll credits.
Speaking of FOUNDRY CAMS, we felt it needed a facelift, so we made a whole nifty new page at over here now...
We totally revamped FOUNDRY CAMS, with a new domain, hotter girls, lower prices, and a better user experience. So far, the response has beeen HUGE. Check it out:
and if you feel like following us on Twitter (we'll keep you up to date on what all the girlies are doing)
Click it, fool!
The lovely blonde Gisele, who you have seen in dozens of FOUNDRY CAMS videos, is back at it once again with a hosed-down FoundryMusic T-shirt, high heels, and very little else on. She's shaking her perfectly-formed hiney to FOUNDRY's "Ain't Like You" from the RETOOLED
Buy FOUNDRY: Retooled now at Amazon:
Watch Video. Click Photo. Enjoy Gisele. Simple, right? (you'd be shocked how many people fuck that up)
...and that, friends... is the way to make salsa in woodchipper.
We're on FourSquare...talking about all the cool shit we do... or wish we did
FOUNDRYNEWS is online, so we can do the blogging thing
Follow us on Twitter, or we'll send wolves to your house to gnaw at your privates
be our friend on Facebook, or we'll send AIDS-infested gerbils through your vents to bite you while you sleep
We've been on MYSPACE since the dawn of time. It was cavemen...and us...and Dane Cook.
We're also on POSTEROUS, so read that shit.
We also have a spot on this thing called NING, and that rhymes. Go us.
FRIEND FEED also has a spot for FoundryMusic... because we're in desperate need of friends.
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