Monday, October 4, 2010

Homeless Man Rolls around in Urine, AVENGED SEVENFOLD and SLAYER live, MUSHROOMHEAD's new Video, PAPA ROACH and FOUNDRY CAMS, Chrissy Marie and Natasha Marley topless

  • Let's kick off the week with a BANG, shall we? Round up some lonely housewives and call down to the Super 8 Motel:

    Make sure they change the sheets first... you and the MILFs are going to do some damage. Adultery time = FUN time.

    (but not as bad as your general state of health, madam. Why not go on a diet or three before your heart explodes)
  • Who other than a homeless lunatic can get away with rolling around half-naked in his own urine?

    Nobody, that's who. Homelessness RULES.


    Why does Coco even bother wearing a Bikini? (Drunken Stepfather)

    Especially...when Coco looks SO much better going totally topless

    Cocktail War Contest (AskMen)

    Nothing like hot models in bikinis bouncing around at the Women of Perfection 2010 (Sub5zero)

    Jayden Cole is bare-assed on a tractor. Watch out for pointy things! (Freakshow Planet)

    Movie Review: The Social Network (Bullz-Eye)

    The Best Airline Safety Demonstration Ever (FunnyCrave)

    Lana Lopez is one seriously spice (NAKED) meatball (z0d)

    10 Awesomely Misleading Old-School Comic Book Ads (Maxim)

    Tommie Jo is NOT a guy... repeat...NOT a guy (Dailyniner)

    I'M SORRY:
    (Sorry that your heart is constantly thumping like a jackrabbit, you monstrosity)

  • Our friends in AVENGED SEVENFOLD are out on the road NOW, and they're hanging a roadie from the rafters nightly:

    That has GOT to be expensive, don't you think? Hard to find volunteers, too.

  • When the people of New Orleans aren't hanging out on their roof, they like to listen to the soothing sounds of SLAYER (click for tickets):

    Nothing makes the cockles warm like a good old fashioned ditty like "Seasons In The Abyss"

  • Speaking of 'soothing' those nice boys in MUSHROOMHEAD have a new album and it's full of fun activities:

    We like the one called "Beat the shit out of the guy with glasses".

  • Their new album is called Beautiful Stories for Ugly Children... makes us think *sob*

    From heavy metal to holy MOLEY those are some big boobs!
  • Like so many of us busty brunette Chrissy Marie has to take off her cheerleader outfit before she diddles:

    because, who DOESN'T? They always get in the way...pesky pom-poms

  • Leggy British blond Natasha Marley looks great in and OUT OF her lingerie:

    Natasha was shipped off to boarding school at age 12, but got expelled. welcome to the wonderful world of nude modeling, Natasha!

  • Our friends in PAPA ROACH, who just released Time For Annihilation..On the Record, and On The Road gave us their song "Burn".
    We had our own Nina from FOUNDRY CAMS tear up a FoundryMusic Shirt and make us a spank-tastic video:

    Click on Nina's Cleavage to check out her Smokin' Hot Body...and then some.

    Of course, once you cool off a little, carry your carcass on over to FOUNDRY CAMS where you can chat with Nina LIVE on cam for hours on end.

  • ...and that, kids... is how we wrap up today's big-ass burrito of fun....

  • Visit some of our other hot properties, won't you?

    We're on FourSquare...talking about all the cool shit we do... or wish we did

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    Follow us on Twitter, or we'll send wolves to your house to gnaw at your privates

    be our friend on Facebook, or we'll send AIDS-infested gerbils through your vents to bite you while you sleep

    We've been on MYSPACE since the dawn of time. It was cavemen...and us...and Dane Cook.

    We're also on POSTEROUS, so read that shit.

    We also have a spot on this thing called NING, and that rhymes. Go us.

    FRIEND FEED also has a spot for FoundryMusic... because we're in desperate need of friends.

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