Thursday, January 20, 2011

Drunk Russian Lady in Garbage, Ted Williams Auto-Tuned, Winona Ryder's Cleavage, Nikki Sixx's New Book, Steven Tyler & Jimmy Fallon, Heather Summers sucks at Sudoku

  • Someone better tell this gal she forgot to put a shirt on:

    Ah, wait... it's intentional. she must be one of them 'promiscuous' types...we never seem to get enough of them.

    (Baby it's cold outside...but you don't have to worry because you weigh 300 lbs)
  • what's that noise coming from the garbage chute?

    Oh nothing. It's just a sobbing drunk Russian lady. Warning: Ugly Russian breast ahead.


    (but your general state of health IS...)
  • Golden-voiced Ted Williams loves his Mommy evidently:

    Thanks to our pal Dru Boogie for this amazing auto-tuned remix.

  • Because we're mean-spirited... we give you... Winona Ryder's cleavage! (Drunken Stepfather)

    and because we're's Winona Ryder's naked body.. of course, depending on who you are, this could also go under 'mean-spirited'.

    Eight Legendary Drinking Binges that Only Celebrities Could Have Gotten Away With (The Smoking Jacket)

    Jenna is wearing shoes with heels SO big, you have to wonder how she doesn't knock herself out with 'em (FreakShow Planet)

    Ten QB-needy teams that passed on Aaron Rodgers in the 2005 draft (Scores Report)

    Kristen Bennet is the kind of topless brunette in pink panties you can bring home to Momma (Dailyniner)

    Nella Jay has awful argyle socks. Thank God she looks great topless, because those socks are really distracting (z0d)

    I'M SORRY:
    (Sorry that you can't eat frosting for every meal, tubb-o)

  • Nikki Sixx has a new book coming out called This Is Gonna Hurt: Music, Photography and Life Through the Distorted Lens of Nikki Sixx and SIXX A.M. is releasing an album to go along with it:

    Nikki likes taking photographs of wheelchair-bound transsexuals, apparently. Yeah, but who doesn't? Amiright? Amiright?

  • Steven Tyler (sans AEROSMITH) went on Jimmy Fallon's show the other night to promote his gig as a judge on American Idol, and wound up performing "Walk this Way" with Fallon and THE ROOTS:

    ... and the song sounded exactly the same. AEROSMITH? Wait, who? When? What?

  • From kinda smart musicians to kinda dumb blondes...

  • Heather Summers kinda sucks at Sudoku:

    Thank goodness her boobs are huge, otherwise this would be an enormous waste of time.

  • Speaking of the boobies which are huge:
  • 19 year-old Czech brunette seems to have been trampled by a small woodland creature:

  • Look at the paw prints on her stomach! What vile miniature creature could have done such a thing?!?!

    ...and that, as they say, is that. Now go enjoy the day and try not to offend anyone with your horrendous stench...

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