Once again we are pulling out a pointy object and poking around in the brain of one of the girls of FOUNDRY CAMS. This week, we have chosen the blonde haired, Hazel-eyed, McKenzie, who you may have seen rubbing herself in this video. We sent off our big batch of stupid her way, and she fired back some brief, albeit insightful responses...DEMONCOW: What gives you goosebumps?
McKenzie: An Orgasm
DEMONCOW: Name a hidden talent not many people know about
McKenzie: Singing.
(she's got a thing for old Oscar Meyer Hot Dog Jingles...no, not really)
yeah, you pull those panties down, dirty girl...CLICK THE PIC, fool!DEMONCOW: If your boyfriend cheated on you, how would you get back at him?
McKenzie: Tell Everyone He Has Herpes
(You might want to re-think that one, because the next question they usually ask is 'and he got them from...?)DEMONCOW: Great dessert or great sex?
McKenzie: Sex Then Dessert, Gotta Have Both...I Have a Huge Sweet Tooth!.

McKenzie wants to be fokked in her 'FUCK ME' shirt. Click the pic to get one!
DEMONCOW: What is the hottest thing a guy can wear?
McKenzie:Just A Plain Nice Fitting Tee.
(and that's it? Nice. Adios pants!)DEMONCOW: What is the key to your heart?
McKenzie: Intelligence
DEMONCOW: Love or money?
McKenzie: Cant I Have Both?! Jk...Love...Im A Hopeless Romantic.
DEMONCOW: Whatcha thinkin' about?
McKenzie: The Spurs Winning!!!

She likes basketball...especially championship teams.
DEMONCOW: What celebrity would you like to see running America, and why?
McKenzie: None, Most Celebrities Are Idiots.
DEMONCOW: Describe your ideal date
McKenzie: Something Creative, But Also Laid Back...Maybe Going to A Wine Tasting, Then Out To Dinner At A Casual Place, Then Go Star Gazing, Corny But Very Romantic...I Like Dates Where I Can Get To Know A Person.
DEMONCOW: Grey's Anatomy or
Desparate Housewives?
McKenzie: Neither, I Dont Watch Much TV
DEMONCOW: Good guy or bad boy?
McKenzie: A Good Mixture Of Both.
DEMONCOW: Most awkward thing someone has said to you after sex?
McKenzie: "It's Never Done That Before..." Referring To The Fast Orgasm.
(uh huh... honey, they ALL say that when they're shooting prematurely)DEMONCOW: Are you a girly girl or a tom boy?
McKenzie: Girly Girl.
DEMONCOW: Who disgusts you? Please don't say me, please don't say me.
McKenzie: My Dad.
(Hmm...something there. We should have dug deeper.)DEMONCOW: We're going to ransack your porn collection (when you're not looking, of
course). What are we going to find (what titles, genre, etc)?
McKenzie: Tons Of
Voyuer and
Amatuer Porn...

She's the kind of gal who likes baskeball, amateur porn, and ... weird sandwiches. She looks great without clothes on, too. CLICK THE PIC!
DEMONCOW: Describe for us, your favorite sandwich (no, not one with you and two guys,
you and two chicks. we mean FOOD).
McKenzie: Turkey, With Lettuce, And Extra Pickles...With Lots Of Ranch...Heart Attack here I Come!!!
(That's actually not the weirdest one we've heard of. She's actually on the not-so-weird side of the sandwich spectrum.)See McKenzie in these videos:Mac Shows off her new Boobs and her new Fuck Me shirt on webcamMac Does a Slow Striptease to some Fast MetalOK, so McKenzie isn't exactly the most verbose gal, but she DOES look great almost-naked.HEAD OVER TO FOUNDRY CAMS NOW AND CHAT WITH McKENZIE LIVE!