Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Wednesday Links: Geeks Explaining LOST, Biden Explaining AVATAR, Deep-Throating Bananas, Pam Anderson is Old, Cameron Diaz is holding up

  • What is it about this show LOST we keep hearing about? Sounds kinda popular... Here's some LOST geeks from AOL TV to break it all down:


  • Ladies and gentlemen, our Vice President, Joe Biden attempts to explain AVATAR:

    Wouldn't it be cool if Andrea Mitchell jumped out of her seat and screamed "BULLSHITTER!"... no?


    (but your perpetural whining is really irritating the shit out of us, so how's about removing your larynx with a spork?)

  • Everyone meet Miranda. She's deep-throating two bananas, side-by-side, simultaneously::

    In other words...she's a KEEPER! You have to love those girls who can deep-throat, don't you?

  • Pamela Anderson isn't quite the draw she used to be (WWTDD)

    We prefer to remember Pamela Anderson (Lee) in her prime...gobble gobble gobble..

    Cameron Diaz's Ass is Holding Up Nicely (Drunken Stepfather)

    and now journey back in time with us and reflect on Cameron Diaz's Ass...cuz what else you got going on?

    10 of the sexiest movie posters of all-time (Bullz-Eye)

    Jamie Lynn has lucious lips...hips...and something else that rhymes with nips... (FreakshowPlanet)

    Proof That It's Gone Too Far: Cats & Dogs In 3D (FilmDrunk)

    Lupe Fuentes has a Loopy Name and a ... a... holy crap, look at that hiney. (z0d)

    The 8 Super Bowl Party Guests You Must Avoid (Guyism)

    Sarah Slides out of her Dental-Floss-Sized Bikini (Daily Niner)

    Top 10: Political Famewhores (Apoliticus)

    What Your Facebook Celebrity Lookalike Says About You (FunnyCrave)

    The 20 Worst Boob Jobs (HEAVY)

    The Best Lingerie Football Play Evah

    I'M SORRY:

    (Sorry that have successfully managed to alienate everyone who has ever tried to help you. Well done, fella!)

  • It's a classic Grammy Awards "WTF?!?!" moment as METALLICA misses out on their Grammy Award in favor of...JETHRO TULL?!?!

    Nice hair on ALICE COOPER and LITA FORD, by the way.

  • Why is the lovely Jana Defi taking a bubble bath with her shirt on?

    So she can tear it apart and yank it off! Duh.

  • Speaking of busty bitches, check out the 40E-sized chest on Ewa Sonnet:

    yeah, you read that right. 40E. She could sell them by the pound and retire... and then pay for all the plastic surgery she'd need... *rimshot*

  • Our FOUNDRY CAMS girl Brooke/b> made us a finger-licking video. Rob Balducci sent us his new track "Choke". Together, they look like this:

    Click on Brooke's Body, crack a beverage, and forget whatever you had planned for the day. she'll be online when you get done mopping up.

  • Visit some of our other hot properties, won't you?

    FOUNDRYNEWS is online, so we can do the blogging thing

    Follow us on Twitter, or we'll send wolves to your house to gnaw at your privates

    be our friend on Facebook, or we'll send AIDS-infested gerbils through your vents to bite you while you sleep

    We've been on MYSPACE since the dawn of time. It was cavemen...and us...and Dane Cook.

    We're also on POSTEROUS, so read that shit.

    We also have a spot on this thing called NING, and that rhymes. Go us.

    FRIEND FEED also has a spot for FoundryMusic... because we're in desperate need of friends.

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