Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Wednesday Links: Hump Day HumpFest, New Boobs On RateMyWOW, Emergency Room Brawl, New KISS video, Sorcerer's Apprentice Trailer, Naked Wakeboarding, Magen Lugo in the Bath

  • Happy Hump Day, folks. Spend some time loving thy neighbor this holiday season...Literally.

    You know, just hanging around... doing laundry... flirting awkwardly and having torrid affairs. Go ask your married neighbor if you can borrow some detergent.

  • New Boobs On RateMyWOW: Thanks again to our pals Yoshi and Brandon Iron, who is constantly shooting content for COVER MY FACE and SHE IS HALF MY AGE (so very not-safe-for-work), we were able to add new bosoms to RateMyWOW today courtesy of adult starlets Daria Glower and Rachel:



  • Usually the "Baby Daddy" Fights happen on Maury:

    ...and NOT in the Emergency ROom.

    (Your, on the other hand, have the emotional maturity of the 3 year-old. Grow up, fella)

    Want to Lose Weight Like a Fancy Man? Now you CAN! (Muscle Sorority)

  • Lindsay Lohan Shows Some Nippage
    (Drunken Stepfather)
    and because we love pointing this shit out...Here's every nude scene Lindsay Lohan ever did on film.

    Magdelana is one hot Mama... you know, cuz that Rhymes (z0d)

    Top 10 Cool Things at SEMA Show 2009 (Bullz-Eye)

    Georgia and Faye in a Girl/Girl Taste Test (Daily Niner)

    How to Use Twitter Tactics in Real Life (FunnyCrave)

    Brandi Bryant is Busting Out of her Black Bikini (FreakshowPlanet)

    Monkeys Are Assuredly Plotting Against Us (GammaSquad)

    Saints Fans Shoot Up A TV (With Leather)

    7 annoying photograph poses that prove you’re a douchebag (Guyism)

    Heavy's Holiday Travel Tips (Heavy)

    Everyone Hates Perez Hilton (Warming Glow)

    Tennessee 'Hostesses' Used to Lure Recruits; NCAA Investigating (Buster Sports)

    A Flowchart To Determine What Holiday To Celebrate (Holy Taco)

    I'M SORRY:
    (Sorry that your bridge burning skills could land you a good job as an arsonist)

  • Ladies, naked wakeboarding is a great way to mangle your cooter...just ask PLABOY hottie Jennifer Walcott:

    Especially if she falls off. That's a scene from PLAYBOY X Mates - check it out!

  • As long as we're looking at sexy PLAYBOY bitches, let's look at Magen Lugo:

    She's getting clean. Cleanliness is next to...something.

  • Yooooouuuu Wanted the best, yooouuuu got... eh, KISSS!!!!! and they're really TALL.

    The video for "Modern Day Delilah has been released and that's it up there. Click it.

  • The trailer for the live-action version of The Sorcerer's Apprentice is online:

    Why are WE linking it up? Because it's a lot darker than we thought... and GHOST RIDER...err, Nicolas Cage is in it.
  • We sent our FOUNDRY CAMS girl Danni G one of our old-school FoundryMusic shirts, which she appropriately sliced up and made into a tube top. TANTRIC sent us the song "Coming Undone".
    What you'll see next is three minutes of footage that will leave you slack-jawed and most likely pants-less.

    CLICK ON DANNI AND WATCH HER...DANCE... yeah, that's it...then chat with her LIVE at FOUNDRY CAMS

    (and now to recap... because we forget shit almost as easy as you do)

  • Finish up making the sexy time with a sophisticated older woman, and head over to the MEDIA SECTION, and check out what we added:

    The Sorcerer's Apprentice - Trailer
    PLAYBOY's Magen Lugo Taking a Bath
    KISS: 'Modern Day Delilah' - Official Video
    Jennifer Walcott Naked Wakeboarding
    Fight Inside Brookdale Hospital In Brooklyn/li>

  • These are some of the many social networking programs we're linked up with, so JOIN US, won't you?

    Zannel: FoundryMusic
    Facebook: FoundryMusic
    Posterous: FOUNDRY
    Twitter: FoundryMusic (you can get updates to your cell phone here as well)
    MySpace: FoundryMusic
    NING: FoundryMusic
    FRIEND FEED: FoundryMusic NSFW videos (we put all the dirty vids in one location)
    LiveVideo: FoundryMusic (updated daily)


    Posted via web from foundry's posterous

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