Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Wednesday Links: Mid-Week Affair and the Dancing Bear, Motorcycle Mash-Up, Joe Perry Live, New OZZY Documentary, Russian babe fest with Merilyn Sakova

  • It's hump day, kids... so start humping, dammit. Those boobs aren't going to fondle themselves, you know.

    Well she might fondle them BY herself, but that's not as much fun as having an affair with the busty co-worker in the next cubicle, now is it?

  • By the way, if your woman tells you she's going out with the girls... watch out for the Dancing Bear.

    Check her clothes for fur fragments when she gets home, buster.


  • Don't worry mister motorcycle man, that STOP sign doesn't apply to you:

    ...unless there's another motorcycle man on the other side of the intersection.


    (But your condescending mouth is, so shut up before someone nails your lips shut)

    Aubrey O'Day and Holly Madison Go Topless in Vegas (Drunken Stepfather)... and here's Holly Madison Getting naked on film!

    Saantha Ryan Can't stop touching herself (Daily Niner)

    Glamor Girl: Reagen (Bullz-Eye)

    Cindy Hope...Hopes there's no one looking in her backyard with a telescope (z0d)

    Five supplies you should steal from work (Illuminati)

    Naughty Schoolgirl Ashlyn Page messes up the library (Freakshow Planet)

    “I’m with Stupid” – Cartoon Edition (Gunaxin)

    Signs you are trick-or-treating at a swinger's house (Illuminati)

    A Definitive Guide To Combovers (Yep Yep)

    Nicole Eggert is...Chubby! Nooooooo! (Don Chavez)

    Legend of Neil, Season 2, Ep. 5 (atom)

  • YouTube’s 5 Best Parkour Fails (Nextround)

    The 10 Hottest Celebrity Sports Wives and Girlfriends (Bleacher Report)

    This Week In Clothed Animal Commericals (Warming Glow)

    I'M SORRY:

    (Actually, we're not sorry. You suck at life, and you'll die lonely and broke)

  • Busty Russian beauty Merilyn Sakova can't seem to find clothes that fit:

    Well, she CAN. She just chooses to wear tiny bikinis. We don't mind one bit.

  • Russian babes are the flavor of the day, and Honey is finger-licking good:

    Honey is also about to get DP'ed by two gentlemen, so we hope she has lots o' lube.

  • While AEROSMITH takes a li'l break, Mr Joe Perry is rocking the solo gigs, like this one in Plymouth, Mass:

    Walk This Way, fuckstick.

  • The Prince of Fucking Darkness, OZZY OSBOURNE will be the focus of a new documentary, produced by his son, Jack:

    Newly sober, and reflective as hell. He's Ozzy, bitches.

  • Boobies and milk! It's Anya from Polish Busty washing her milk jugs in a bathtub full of ...milk:

    Why even bother with clothes?

  • Now let's all lust after the ladies of FOUNDRY CAMS, like Maiya, Sweet Victoria, Kyra, and a slew of others grinding their asses in a Grinhouse-style tribute to our buds in SCUM OF THE EARTH:


  • (and now to recap... for the people with the attention span of sparrows. US included.)

  • Hold off on sleeping with your friend's wife and lookee what we added to the MEDIA SECTION:

    OZZY OSBOURNE - 'Wreckage Of My Past' - Trailer

    Hot Russian Blond Babe Honey Shows Off Her Tight Body

    Double Motorcycle Collision at Intersection

    Anya Washes Her Massive Boobs In Milk

    JOE PERRY PROJECT: 'Walk This Way' LIVE in Plymouth, MA

    Busty Merilyn in a Tiny Black Bikini

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    Zannel: FoundryMusic

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    MySpace: FoundryMusic

    NING: FoundryMusic

    FRIEND FEED: FoundryMusic NSFW videos (we put all the dirty vids in one location)

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