So hurry up and make a move on that single mom down the street.
He's got a great rap, so you sould hurry up, bub.
(Kind of like your people skills. Way to interact with humanity!)
He's just not so good at holding down his lunch.
The Gary Coleman Photo is Worse than You Thought (WWTDD)
Carmen Electra is Still Kinda hot (Drunken Stepfather)
and now, because we can...let's all oogle Carmen Electra's scantily-clad/naked arse!
PLAYBOY's Crista Nicole is Nice and what looks like a church? Sacrilige! (Freakshow Planet)
A Video Chat With Adam Corolla (Bullz-Eye)
Dog Kills Baby (In a Good Way!) (URLesque)
13 Hillariously Ridiculous Movie Posters (Gunaxin)
Asian Playboy Playmate Lesbians... *droool* (Dailyniner)
You’re Doing It Wrong: 35 Horrible Tans (Banned In Hollywood)
Ashley Nicole has Two First Names and Multiple Amazing Assets (z0d)
Top 10: Reasons To Ride A Motorcycle, By Marisa Miller (AskMen)
Greece Produces Delightfully Absurd Movie Trailer (FilmDrunk)
Timeline of Tragedy: Barack Obama Appears in the “Whoomp There It Is” Video (FilmDrunk)
(Sorry that your complete lack of personality will prevent you from having any meaningful relationships)
They'll be on tour all summer as well as on OZZFEST, so Get your tickets now before some other numbnuts does!.
The band's latest disc La Raza shipped in March, and sold 18,000 copies its first week. Not bad for a bunch of old farts.
BLACK RIVER is comprised of members (current and former) of DIMMU BORGIR, BEHEMOTH, NEOLITHIC, SOULBURNERS and ROOTWATER.
From Heavy Metal to Heaving Hanging Hooters...
this clip features Taylor and the luckiest bottle of lotion EVER.
From big'uns to lil'uns...
Chelsea is simply prepping her hiney for the ravaging it's about to get in BIG WET ASSES 8 - On Demand Now
Because it makes her dookie sparkle, silly person. Sheesh.
Holy Smokes! Another beautiful webcam model shaking her ass! Whodathunkit?
Honestly... do you REALLY need us to tell you to click on Ember's pic? JUST DO IT!
Great song. Great hiney. When you stop hallucinating, Go check out Ember's Sexy Self LIVE - online NOW
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We also have a spot on this thing called NING, and that rhymes. Go us.
FRIEND FEED also has a spot for FoundryMusic... because we're in desperate need of friends.
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