Friday, June 4, 2010

Car Theft in Buenos Aires, Anna Paquin Wet T-shirt, Shauna Sand is Waxy, Rokken with Dokken at RibFest, God Gave Rock & Wigs to KISS, Those Damned Things Debut, Sandra Romain and Anne's Lovely Bodies

  • Do you know why God made FRIDAY?
    So that you could unscrew you head, dump out the part of your brain that contains morality and hook up with as many women as possible... just make sure the husbands are out of arms reach.

  • We found out that more women are having affairs than men these days...See? You come here, and you learn stuff!

    (Sort of like your breath, your bald spot, your attitude, you face...shall we continue?)
  • How do you steal a shitbox car in Buenos Aires?

    With a little elbow grease and another shitbox, apparently.


    Anna Paquin is Deceptively Attractive (WWTDD)

    Then again, Anna Paquin does like taking her clothes off on camera, so how deceptive is it really?

    Oooh! A Wax Statue of Shauna Sand! Wait, no. It's really her. (Drunken Stepfather)

    Shauna stick to making sex videos PLEASE...and stay inside

    Lauren Anderson Lifts Up Her Tiny Plaid Skirt (Freakshow Planet)

    SPLICE: Movie Review (Bullz-Eye)

    32 Poorly Translated Subtitles (URLesque)

    Four Ways Science Will Kick Death's Ass (UPROXX)

    Roxanna, why did you bother getting dressed? Your outfit is full of holes. (Dailyniner)

    Drunk Driver Jumps Car Over Airport Toll Booth (Warming Glow)

    Natalia Cruz Has A kick-ass body and even more kick-ass body art (z0d)

    Badass Men of Manliness: Dennis Hopper (The Bachelor Guy)

    How To Fight (Funnycrave)

    30 Female Celebrities Grabbing Their Own Boobs (ManOfest)

    I'M SORRY:
    (Sorry you forgot to wear a rubber and knocked up some skank you met online)

  • You know, you're just not Rockin'...

    Unless you're ROKKEN with Rib Fest! Um, yeah.

  • God Gave Rock and Roll to You, sir...:

    and God also saw fit to Give a Really Swell Wig to Paul Stanley from KISS because 60 year old men don't have hair like that.

  • What's this? Members of ANTHRAX and FALL OUT BOY together? In the same place:

    THE DAMNED THINGS debuted at the Knitting Factory in Brooklyn, NY the other day.

  • From hard rock to rock-hard abs...on girls...
  • This is Busty Blond Southern Belle Anne from FTV Girls and she LOVES working out:

    She loves working out, pulling out her boobs, working out, playing with sex toys, working out, fornicating with her hand... See? We no lie.

  • from hard abs to hard butts
  • hot ass Romanian adult super-starlet Sandra Romain is oiling up her booty:

    She must have a very ashy hiney... and you can see Sandra get that hiney ravaged at BIG WET ASSES 8 - on Demand.

  • What's this? More fantastic shamless self-promotion?? INDEED!
  • You know Carmen from her many FOUNDRY CAMS videos and from her solo site - CamWithCarmen. Here's a great clip of her "Unraveling" her clothes to some music by our friends in SEVENDUST:


    Then, when the feeling returns in your arms and legs... chat with Carmen LIVE, one-on-one!

    You can also get hundreds of new photos and videos at Carmen's solo site - CamWithCarmen

  • Visit some of our other hot properties, won't you?

    We're on FourSquare...talking about all the cool shit we do... or wish we did

    FOUNDRYNEWS is online, so we can do the blogging thing

    Follow us on Twitter, or we'll send wolves to your house to gnaw at your privates

    be our friend on Facebook, or we'll send AIDS-infested gerbils through your vents to bite you while you sleep

    We've been on MYSPACE since the dawn of time. It was cavemen...and us...and Dane Cook.

    We're also on POSTEROUS, so read that shit.

    We also have a spot on this thing called NING, and that rhymes. Go us.

    FRIEND FEED also has a spot for FoundryMusic... because we're in desperate need of friends.

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