Thursday, March 11, 2010

Thursday Links: Reporter tantrum, Italian announcer is a freak, New Robin Hood trailer, Mystery Nips, Christina Ricci Drunk, MEGADETH loves Canadians

  • Your asshole neighbor just pulled up in a new, very expensive BMW. Don't be jealous. Just nail his wife:

    If he was getting the job done at home, she wouldn't be sending you all those "Winky Eye" text messages. Have fun. Be deviant. You only go 'round this crazy world once.


    (but your attitude stinks. You need an adjustment...with a hammer)

  • We'd like to introduce you to WVLT Reporter Gordon Boyd:

    He had a li'l flip-out on camera and the anchor has the stones to blame it on "Technical Difficulties". Bwahahahaha.

  • ...and this is 7 Gold sports announcer Tiziano Crudeli. He's Italian:

    He screams like he's being stabbed to death every time he calls a play. We're shocked he's made it to 67 years of age.


  • Holy shit, the new trailer for Ridley Scott's ROBIN HOOD is online:

    Wait, you mean ROBIN HOOD speaks with an English accent? Noooo. Someone ought to tell Kevin Costner.

  • whose mystery nips poking through a black dress are these? (Drunken Stepfather)

    here's a hint: she and her sister both like the black dudes...only one of them has a sex tape.

    Christina Ricci Looks like a Fun Drunk (WWTDD)

    and anyone who has seen her exposed boobs in films like 'Black Snake Moan' would agree.

    Review: GREEN ZONE (Bullz-Eye)

    If you had a body like Erica Campbell, you'd play with it all the time too (FreakshowPlanet)

    Five Girls You Find in Every College Lecture (FunnyCrave)

    Sensual Jane is showing off her special spot (z0d)

    Top 10 Songs About Being Horny (Heavy)

    Samantha Ryan has itty bitty nubs, but a nify back-end (Dailyniner)

    Murray the Nut’s Greatest Hits, Vol. 6 (FunnyCrave)

    Darth Vader Winter Vacation (Ego TV)

    Sexy Girl At the Beach (Fork Party)

    Ten Of The Most Underrated Simpsons Characters (Gunaxin)

    A Photo Gallery Tribute To Impressive Nintendo Modifications (AfroJacks)

    I'M SORRY:

    (Sorry that you have to seduce mentally challenged young girls in order to get laid. Sad. So so sad)

  • So, 50% of the original MEGADETH lineup (Mustaine, Ellefson, and two other guys) is on tour now:

    Which means that the other 50% of the original lineup is probably working at Carvel, shining up the scopes on their sniper rifles.

  • From heavy metal, we move on to heavy boobs...

  • Busty British brunette Michelle Monaghan is looking for any excuse to get topless:

    Whoa! She found beer! Helloo excuse!.

  • Keeping with the British theme, Gemma Massey doesn't like itchy the one she was wearing didn't stay on for long

    We have the same problem. We hate itchy corsets. We just don't look as good as she does with them.

  • Sexy little Valentina Vaughn has pants on that are way too tight

    There's only one solution. Exactly. Burn the pants. Pants are evil. Right Valentina?

  • In honor of Carmen's new solo site check out this old school FOUNDRY CAMS video we dug up:


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