If the answer is 'yes', then congrats! You've officially graduated into adulthood. Come get your shiny nickel. Hmmm?
(But your breath is. How's about we wash your mouth out with Bleach?)
This is SOOOO not going to end well.
Shauna Sand looks a wax statue in a bikini (Drunken Stepfather)
Hopefully she can sell enough copies of her sex tape to keep paying the Formaldehyde bill.
How did Kim Kardashian Get So famous? (WWTDD)
Ehh, in case that photo above is too subtle... we'll just spell it out for you and link to the sex tape she released a few years ago... See, she's a "celebrity".
Disney Discriminates Against Busty Sluts (FilmDrunk)
Girl Next Door: Melissa Melendez (Bullz-Eye)
Penthouse Pet Yurizan Beltran has big, beautiful boobs (FreakshowPlanet)
15 Funniest Foreigners On TV (Comedy)
Tarra White is quite the dish...and naked (z0d)
SeƱor Chang's Rap (Dave and Thomas)
Shay Laren and her boobs put all other women to shame (Dailyniner)
Bar Refaeli puts on a smokeshow for Elle magazine (Guyism)
Alcoholic Slide - like the Electic Slide, only drunker (College Humor)
6 Television Mashups That Need to Happen (FunnyCrave)
(Sorry that your personality is more likely to get you shot than promoted)
Which is probably a compliment, considering that's how he's always sounded.
Layne Staley made a guest appearance. Oh shit, wait...no he didn't. HE's dead.
From big guitars to big booty...
For the totally hardcore, check out the full-length Kimberly Kane clip in BIG WET ASSES #15 - on demand.
Of course, you won't find Mr. Rogers here....
and while she might have a name more commonly associated with a fella, she's ALL woman.
Click on Gisele right now, and watch the full jaw-dropping awesome video!
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FRIEND FEED also has a spot for FoundryMusic... because we're in desperate need of friends.
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