Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Wednesday Links: Adios Corey Haim, French Women Love Underwear, Rozlyn Papa Video DEBUNKED! Coco's Caboose, Lindsay's Crying, New DEFTONES, AIC LIVE!

  • Ahh, shit. Corey Haim died this morning from an apparent overdose (who saw THAT coming?):

    One down.... One to go. Let's not kill The Guy in the middle though. He's not so bad.


    (but your attitude stinks. You need an adjustment...with a hammer)

  • Never get between 1000 screaming French women and designer underwear:

    You might just lose a limb .


    Coco's ridiculous ass is hot to some guys (Drunken Stepfather)

    and if you haven't seen this video of her boobs at the should check that shit out.

    Lindsay Lohan is sensitive and her feelings are hurt (WWTDD)

    Yeah, uh huh Lindsay Lohan has shown her tits in shitty movies. Grow up, brat.

    2010 Fantasy Baseball Preview (Bullz-Eye)

    Brittany Montague has a sophisticated name...and a stripper's body (FreakshowPlanet)

    Which Washed Up VH1 Celebrity Are You? - A Flowchart (FunnyCrave)

    Awesome Asian Ass Arielle Lee in a Bikini... kinda (z0d)

    Are Giant Squids Conspiring Against Humans? (Asylum)

    Oh lord, wontcha buy me...a Nikki Benz (Dailyniner)

    Top Ten Fictional Judges (Gunaxin)

    The Video Game Bosses' Lament (College Humor)

    Real. Working. Hovercraft. (Today's Big Thing)

    How Much Money Are NCAA Players Missing Out On? (COED Magazine)

    I'M SORRY:

    (Sorry that you have to seduce mentally challenged young girls in order to get laid. Sad. So so sad)

  • It's been a while since we heard some new DEFTONES music:

    This is the first single from Diamond Eyes... it's called "Rocket Skates" [Download it!].

  • Our friends in ALICE IN CHAINS are on tour now (click for tickets) and hit Terminal 5 in NYC:

    Their touring in support of their latest disc Black Gives Way To Blue with new singer William DuVall.

  • Remember the alleged Rozlyn Papa sex tape we mentioned yesterday?

    Right. We said it was bullshit then, and now we're CONFIRMING IT.

  • The woman in the video is Lucy Love. The video clip was from Pole Position:Lex POV.

    Are we embarrassed that we looked it up? No. All it did was make us look for more Lucy Love clips online which we found. Like the one above.

  • The short, but busty Erica Campbell might be out of the adult game....

    ...but we can still admire her body of work... which is scattered around the web in piles.

  • In honor of Carmen's new solo site check out this old school FOUNDRY CAMS video we dug up:


  • Visit some of our other hot properties, won't you?

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