(just like your people skills. No wait, those are fucking abysmal)
Just look at the way this drawbridge shaves the top right off that container ship... *rimshot*.
Captain America Movie Won't be so American (WWTDD)
Who does this Ass-tastic ass in Jeans belong to? Eh? Can you guess? C'mon Guess! (Drunken Stepfather)
Let's see, what kind of hint can we give you here... oh, how's this: she died in the first ten minutes of Mission: Impossible 3... Oh, there we go. We wrecked it.
Scientists build artificial gut, allows self-sustaining robots to go to the bathroom (GammaSquad)
Jelena Jensen and Her Huge Torpedos get Tangled Up in Fishnets (Freakshow Planet)
Featured Model: Ashley (Bullz-Eye)
15 Things White People Must STOP Saying (FunnyCrave)
Jessi Capelli Is wearing a Tutu and platform Heels, which makes us think she's not REALLY a ballerina (Dailyniner)
Watch Your Back Jersey Shore… Here Comes K-Town (The Campus Socialte)
Casting Call: Live-Action Venture Bros (Dave and Thomas)
Ana Lavato must have forgotten to wear undies to work, because you can see right up her... oh, wait. We get it (z0d)
Obama's Martial Law Plans Revealed in Three-Year-Old Video From 'The Onion' (URLesque)
10 People to Avoid While Drinking (BroBible)
The 20 Greatest Moments In Mugshot Cleavage (Manofest)
(Sorry that you define your existence by the individuals you latch onto. Don't cry. Not everyone has self-confidence)
"How ya doin' Mister Rickles!!!".
That's exactly what happened to SHINEDOWN and that's exactly what they did.
From Big Rock to Big Boobies...
She's oiling up her boobs because they're about to get ravaged in Big Wet Tits #7 (on demand, fella).
Thank God she gets rid of that 1940's stripper outfit. lose the pasties and bend over, dammit.
Pick yourself up off the floor, wipe the drool off your chest...and then Head on over to FOUNDRY CAMS and Chat with Danni Gee/Danni G LIVE...and NUUUUDE (uh, yeah...we mean HER. Not you)
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We're also on POSTEROUS, so read that shit.
We also have a spot on this thing called NING, and that rhymes. Go us.
FRIEND FEED also has a spot for FoundryMusic... because we're in desperate need of friends.
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