...and bring them to a classy joint, so you can see them show off their outstanding.... wait, what were we saying? Sorry. Got totally derailed there for a second. Hineys do that.
(Just like your stench after a weekend of heavy drinking)
Honestly, how did the guy on the bike NOT see that coming?
Lindsay Lohan's Nails May Be In Contempt Of Court (WWTDD)
*sob* we may never get to see Lindsay play an armless, legless stripper ever again...*weep*.
Which grasping-onto-fame-any-which-way-she-can MILF has perky nips? (Drunken Stepfather)
Don't think too hard, kids...it's not like her Homemade Sex Video hasn't been featured everywhere in the past few months... yeah, it's kind of obvious.
A Nerd’s Guide To Dating (HEAVY)
Darenzia... Weird Name. Nice Boobs! (Freakshow Planet)
Featured Model: Ashley (Bullz-Eye)
Prince Declares the Internet "Completely Over," Puts Out New Album on CD Only (URLesque)
Dave Chappelle Grounds Plane; Refuses to Poop like a Poor Person (FilmDrunk)
Ashley Kirk. No relation to the captain. Get it? Captain kirk? Echh (Dailyniner)
Wrist-Mounted Flamethrower? Flame On! (GammaSquad)
Ashley is very nude and showing off her no-no spot (z0d)
Calise Hawkins Meets Ron Jeremy (FunnyCrave)
Rusty Kuntz Sound like a funny name? Here are more funny sport names (Campus Socialite)
Ten Hot Hollywood Women That Aged Horribly (Gunaxin)
Wedding Photographer Fail! (Video Gone Viral)
(Sorry that it's going to take you weeks to get your dried up puke cleaned off the living room sofa)
Anyone else feel like they need a geography lesson? No? Just us. Yeah, we're idiots.
Well, apparentl, because this show (above) was filmed for the Band's 20th Anniversary CD/DVD release.
Little did we know, Ed has a BUNCH of CD's already released (and being the addicts we are, we bought all of them).
From Rock to Raunch, let's introduce you to a few friends...
...and this is only a snippet of BIG WET ASSES 16 - which you can see On Demand NOW
The woman can't go more than 30 seconds without feeling herself up and with a body like this, who could blame her? Hell, we'd be lucky to make it FIVE seconds.
What's so Lucky about it, you ask? It gets to touch her 34DD's... and you don't. Well, neither do we for that matter.
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We've been on MYSPACE since the dawn of time. It was cavemen...and us...and Dane Cook.
We're also on POSTEROUS, so read that shit.
We also have a spot on this thing called NING, and that rhymes. Go us.
FRIEND FEED also has a spot for FoundryMusic... because we're in desperate need of friends.
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