Monday, October 12, 2009

Monday Links: Monday Morning Mop-Up, Broken English Bus Brawl, Car Rolls into Waterway, Lots of Link Lovin', MEGADETH Live in Australia, Busty Faith, Kya Tropic, and More!

  • Soo, how long did it take you to clean out the hot tub after your weekend of drunken debauchery?

    These oiled-up college girls are brought to you by the people who encourage affairs with oiled-up college girls.

  • What happens when one porky San Francisco woman won't move her carcasss so another woman can have a seat on the bus?

    A Broken English Bus Brawl, that's what!

  • 'Scuse me, sir? Your car is rolling into the water... umm, sir?

    yeah, well... with any luck he left his windows up. That usually helps keep it dry, right?

    (But your hangover is, so how's about lightening up on the intoxication and stumble into work on time for a change?)

    In College? Need Money? Don't sell your no-no spot! There is a better way!

    WOW! Rod Stewart's Wife is Really Tall (Drunken Stepfather)

    Georgia Jones is showing off her Peaches (Daily Niner)

    A chat with Kevin Smith (Bullz-Eye)

    Lola is a seriously naughty...and naked...nurse. (z0d)

    Beautiful Playboy Playmate Sandra Nilsson

    Ten Badass Movie Spaceships (Gunaxin)

    What if 'Pimp My Ride' Worked For Airlines? (DJMICK)

    Celebrity Yearbook Photos: 80’s Hair Edition (NextRound)

    Comcast really loves pushing sex on Customers (The Minimum Rage)

    Five Reasons Tennessee Titans Keep Losing (Dave and Thomas)

    Tara Reid Takes It All Off For PLAYBOY (The Bachelor Guy)

    Ruben Sandwich: An Interview With Zombieland Director Ruben Fleischer (College Humor)

    Throwback Game Features Futuristic Prices

  • I'M SORRY:
    (Sorry that your mommy hates you and you have to crawl into a bottle to numb your misery away)

  • Our favorite buxom British Blond Busty Faith is giving you lucky fellas (or ladies) a virtual lap dance:

    ...and that's TAME compared to what you'll see after the jump.

  • From Boobies to Booty, we take a gander at Kya Tropic in very short shorts:

    She wants her hiney smacked... and that's not ALL she wants.

  • From Big Boobies and Big Booty to big guitars and big hair, MEGADETH pulled double-duty when SLAYER had to cancel their set in Adelaide:

    MEGADETH is on tour now - Get those tickets at Stub Hub!.

  • The petite brunette Aubrielle makes her FOUNDRY CAMS debut with this ass-shaking masterpiece which not only shows off her firm behind, but her carefully-taped perky boobs as well. Thanks to the guys in WINGER for the song "Deal With the Devil" from their upcoming release, Karma


  • (and now to recap... for those of you with the attention span of birds. Including us.)

  • Don't get a hooker. Have an affair with a co-worker, and get drunk looking at our MEDIA SECTION, where you'll see:

    Faith Gives a Virtual Lap Dance
    MEGADETH: '1,320' - Instrumental Version - LIVE in Australia
    Ricki White Gets Caught Naked After A Workout
    Caught On Video: Car Rolls Into Waterway and Sinks
    Kya Tropic Shows Off Her Big Booty
    Two Women Fight on San Francisco Bus

  • These are some of the many social networking programs we're linked up with, so JOIN US, won't you?

    Zannel: FoundryMusic
    Facebook: FoundryMusic
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    Twitter: FoundryMusic (you can get updates to your cell phone here as well)
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