Monday, August 30, 2010

Drunk Russian Falls Out of Trolley, FOUNDRY Retooled Released, GUNS N' ROSES - Late AGAIN, SLASH & FERGIE on Time! Mary Carey in a Pool, Daphne Rosen and Puma Swede Lesbian Awesomeness

  • Haleluliah and holy shit! picking up any sexy bitches on the unemployment line today? They're there if you look hard enough:

    If you can deal with the woman being married - and honestly it's not that big of a roadblock...then you'll do just fine.

    (but not as horrible as the situation you're about to find yourself in, drunkard. Vaya con Dios!)
  • Once again we have alcohol to thank for an obnoxious drunkard falling out of a moving vehicle while yelling "Hooray!":

    Now let's all digital camcorders and videotape our friends doing dumb shit!


  • Thanks to our production genius buddy Rich DeCicco and guitar virtuoso Rob Balducci, We present to you RETOOLED - totally revamped versions of those classic FOUNDRY songs.

    See? We even updated the cover art... now click it!

    5 Ways to Piss Off A Girl (Campus Socialite)

    Celeste Star will brighten up any Room...with her boobies (Freakshow Planet)

    Blast from the Past Girl Next Door: Sara (Bullz-Eye)

    Savanah Gold has really big, and BOOBS too! (z0d)

    Lexi Stone can't keep her hands out of her pants (Dailyniner)

    SpoCom 2010 Long Beach - Booth Babes, Promo Models, Go-Go Dancers & Girls Galore (Sub5Zero)

    The 21 Most Cliche Dorm-Room Posters (Brobible)

    John Cusack to play Edgar Allan Poe in 'The Raven' (I Heart Chaos)

    Hipster Dinosaurs (Fork Party)

  • I'M SORRY:
    (Sorry that you're about to wreck the ONE semi-solid relationship you still have in your life)

  • After hitting the stage 60 minutes late Axl Rose and GUNS N' ROSES kicked off the 2010 Reading Festival:

    please buy Axl's music. He needs to buy a new watch apparently.

  • ...and staying (somewhat) in the GNR family, let's take a look-see at SLASH - who is on tour now (click for tickets) and Fergie from BLACK EYED PEAS played out on the Sunset Strip the other night:

    Paying homage to HEART and sport fishing...maybe... with their rendition of "Barracuda"

  • From Big Guns To Big... Boobs...
  • Large-breasted Daphne Rosen is interrogating Puma Swede in this poorly-acted scene:

    If you want to see the whole shebang (heh. get it? She-bang?) Watch 'BUSTED 2' online now! because you really need to witness the whole thing to get the full effect.

  • Our favorite busty blond contestant on 'Celebrity Rehab', Mary Carey wants to wish you all a very happy 4th of July:

    yeah yeah yeah, we're a little late on this one. Who gives a shit? Look! Mary's Boobs!

  • 21 year-old Breanna (aka BreannaRose) makes her FOUNDRY CAMS debut in this eye-popping topless video which features (of course) Breanna, one of our old-school, ripped up FoundryMusic T-shirts, and Breanna's outstanding topless body. You'll never wish you were a tiny white thong more in your life.
    Thanks to Danish heavy metal band PRETTY MAIDS for the song "Pandemonium".

    Click on Breanna's the full vid...rock out for a while... then once you're all done drooling into a bucket, head on over to FOUNDRY CAMS and chat with Breanna LIVE on CAM!

  • Visit some of our other hot properties, won't you?

    We're on FourSquare...talking about all the cool shit we do... or wish we did

    FOUNDRYNEWS is online, so we can do the blogging thing

    Follow us on Twitter, or we'll send wolves to your house to gnaw at your privates

    be our friend on Facebook, or we'll send AIDS-infested gerbils through your vents to bite you while you sleep

    We've been on MYSPACE since the dawn of time. It was cavemen...and us...and Dane Cook.

    We're also on POSTEROUS, so read that shit.

    We also have a spot on this thing called NING, and that rhymes. Go us.

    FRIEND FEED also has a spot for FoundryMusic... because we're in desperate need of friends.

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