Thursday, February 3, 2011

Cheerleaders with thongs, Cops with Tasers, Ozzy with Cackling Hens, Geoff Tate with a pipe wrench, Amy Fisher with Lisa Ann, Charlie Sheen's pal Kacey Jordan

  • Woo! Let's all get drunk and light our farts and set the curtains on fire at a Superbowl party!

  • What's the point in recruiting a bunch of healthy young cheerleaders if you're not going to photograph them in their undies

    Boyfriends? Shmoyfriends. We don't see any around and these girls are unattended and lonely.

    (Just like your bald spot. Want the number of a good wig store?)
  • It's a simple equation, really:

    You punch a cop = You get tasered.


    (but your constant craving for attention IS. Weren't you hugged as a child?)

    Oh boy... whose dress are we looking up today? (Drunken Stepfather)

    this one shouldn't be too hard... just think 'American ____'

    Laura Lion Likes her lack of Lingerie (FreakShow Planet)

    Driving to Dallas with Chrysler (Bullz-Eye)

    Check out the boobs and butt on Brittany Beth (Dailyniner)

    Hannah Hilton has a Helluva Hot Hiney...mmm...hiney (z0d)

    I'M SORRY:
    (Sorry that your temper, attitude and disposition make you unfit to hold any other job except 'house boy')

  • Cackling hens at an OZZY OSBOURNE show? Great.:

    That's exactly what the Prince of Darkness needs to maintain his sinister reputation.

  • Geoff Tate from QUEENSRYCHE is taking his turn as a crazed maniacal killer:

    In a movie that is. We certainly wouldn't imply that he was REALLY bashing people over the head with wine bottles. Funny? Sure. Legal? Ehh, not so much.

  • So, uhh... How much for the little girlz, eh?

  • Amy Fisher swears she's not a lesbian...

    Someone might want to tell Lisa Ann. All she heard was "Blah blah blah LESBIAN blah blah blah"...

  • They went and made a video called Deep Inside Amy Fisher...which is all about... oh, you know this one already:

  • When Kacey Jordan isn't hanging around Charlie Sheen

  • She's getting a massage... and getting felt up at the same time... which you could only get away with in an adult movie. Everyone else calls the authorities.

  • Not that we're objecting, but if Halie James insists on working out topless...

  • She really needs to think about the damage she's doing to her back, because... oh just shut up and watch the videos, mang... no one wants to hear your analytical shit.

    ...and that, as they say, is the way the cookie crumbles... Now go have a good cry and drink yourself unconscious

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