DEMONCOW: What gives you goosebumps?
Nyli: Shower scenes with other cam girls. Mmm... :) (oooh, like THIS shower scene?)
DEMONCOW: Name a hidden talent not many people know about
Nyli: I can play the flute. I haven't played in front of people since highschool.(now she plays the skin flute...*rimshot*)
(Oooh, careful Nyli!! Don't burn your hand with that scary candle... and don't raise anyone from the dead while you're at it)
DEMONCOW: If your boyfriend cheated on you, how would you get back at him?
Nyli: Turn the other cheek.. people always get what they deserve.... Actually this one time in highschool, I took a really terrible photo of my ex and sent it to and he made ugly of the month! The page was posted all around highschool. No one knew it was me.
DEMONCOW: Great dessert or great sex?
Nyli: Can it be both? I like licking whip cream.. Mmm.. (aaaand another camgirl admits to liking sex and sweets.)
Kylie Shows off her amazing body and her F*CK ME shirt. Click the pic to get one (A shirt, not an amazing body... do some sit-ups)!
DEMONCOW: What is the hottest thing a guy can wear?
Nyli: A white wife beater with cargo shorts... but only if he can pull it off. Mmm.. I just melt over that look. (translation: fatties need not apply).
DEMONCOW: What is the key to your heart?
Nyli: Someone who really cares and wants to know me for me.
DEMONCOW: Love or money?
Nyli: Love of course. Money can't buy you that. (true, true... but a homeless guy with a great personality ain't gettin' any of you)
DEMONCOW: Whatcha thinkin' about?
Nyli: Thinking about what to wear tonight... thong or no thong? Heeheehee (No Thong! No Thong! No Thong! No Thong! )
Nyli's Hiney...anyone want to be a pair of striped panties? CLICK THAT ASS!.
DEMONCOW: What celebrity would you like to see running America, and why?
Nyli: I'm Canadian. Who cares! :p (She's from Canada, and they think she's a little slow, aye?...sorry, obscure Simpsons reference)
DEMONCOW: Describe your ideal date
Nyli: First to some yummy classy restaurant and then maybe a long walk on the beach.. (but what if there's no beach? WHAT IF YOU'RE NOWHERE NEAR A BEACH????)
DEMONCOW: Grey's Anatomy or Desparate Housewives?
Nyli: I've hardly watched any of those.. CWH takes up too much of my time. :P
DEMONCOW: Good guy or bad boy?
Nyli: Good guy with a bad naughty side.
DEMONCOW: Most awkward thing someone has said to you after sex?
Nyli: "I think your cat loved watching that." (ten bucks says the cat had no idea what it was looking at, but at least it got a good show)
DEMONCOW: Are you a girly girl or a tom boy?
Nyli: Mostly a girly girl.. but sometimes I get sick of girling it up so I'll just bum it out in sweat pants and a tank.
DEMONCOW: Who disgusts you? Please don't say me, please don't say me.
Nyli: Tom Green! But I still like him.
DEMONCOW: We're going to ransack your porn collection (when you're not looking, of
course). What are we going to find (what titles, genre, etc)?
Nyli: Girl on girl porn.
There's Nyli in her F*CK ME shirt again. CLICK THE PIC!
DEMONCOW: Describe for us, your favorite sandwich (no, not one with you and two guys,
you and two chicks. we mean FOOD).
Nyli: A tuna melt.
See Nyli in these steamy videos:
Showering with Nyli and Sabrina
Nyli Rocks Out In Her F*CK ME shirt
Nyli in a Tight Black Outfit...on Office Webcam
Happy Canada Day - From Nyli
Nyli Shows Some O&A Love On Webcam
If you're rubbing your thighs vigorously, just like we are, then you're going to want to hit up Nyli right now..